  • 期刊


Traditional Chinese Medicine for End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis: Current State, Challenges, and Applications




Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is one of complementary and alternative medicine methods and has been used in a variety of diseases. Nowadays, the clinical application of TCM treatment for dialysis patients with common complication has become the focus for its effectiveness and security. In this paper, we will review the therapeutic effects and TCM viewpoints of different TCM application for patients with complication related HD. In patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), TCM could balance the yin and yang, prevent cardiovascular events, control blood pressure, relieve pain, and improve many complications such as uremic pruritus, water-electrolyte imbalance, insomnia and malnutrition. The mechanisms are related to the regulation of autonomic function and the activation of bioactive chemicals. In conclusion, TCM is proved to be beneficial for patients with ESRD-associated complications. More research, however, is needed to verify the potential mechanisms.


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