  • 期刊


The Instructional Strategy in Consciousness of Self-Government and Self-Determination for Famers' Association Selective Staffs






Under the Authoritarian corporatism, The KMT Government imposes integration among the Farmers' Association. As the Farmers' Association leaders are selected, then they have become controlled. As matter of fact they are the msters of Farmers' Association, but they can't autonomously do all the decision making. That is the fact they do not realize till now. The only way is to reform Farmers' Association institution, let them toward self-government and self-determination; then, they wouldn't be controlled. The test suggest the elected leaders should have reform conciousness: therefore, they can do the action. This text is based on the the concept of radicalism in education philosophy and is expressed the suggestion of self-government and self-determination instructional strategy.There are three viewpoints in this text, form the nature, to the man and the society of radicalism in education philosophy. It is described that, under the nowdays goverment situation, the suitability of radicalism in education philosophy to the reform of Farmers' Association and its elected leaders.Built the concept on radicalism in education philosophy, how to plan the Farmers' Association self-government and self-determination insteructional strategy? It is according to the level of instructional objective radicalism in education philosophy, it can be divided into self-conscious and actional instructional strategy. Under these two instructional strategies, there instructional objective, teaching methods, the relationship between the teacher and learner, and evaluation models. It is also expressed the operation of these two instructional strategies on the elected leaders of Farmers' Association.In conclusion, the text is divided the instructional strategy of the radicalism in education philosophy into self-conscious and actional category, according to defferent instuetional objective hierachy. This is a test. Because of lacking review refering to the actional instructional strategy; therefore, there are less discussionas, especially in evaluation models, looking forward to seeing researchers do the analysis more deeply.


