  • 期刊


Case Study of the Mesolows Accompanied by Heavy Rainfall in the Taiwan Mei-Yu Season




Three mesolow cases which accompanied by heavy rainfall and occurred over Taiwan and its adjacent area during 1985 and 1986 Taiwan Mei-Yu season were selected. Data used include surface observations and GMS infrared digital data at 3-h intervals and rawinsonde data at 12-h intervals. Mesoanalyses of the surface pressure and wind field and the cloud top temperature were carried out. Vertical profiles of equivalent potential temperature and saturation equivalent potential temperature were derived. Convective available potential energy, convective Richardson number, and precipitable water were computed.Results suggest that mesolow can be generated in southwestern Taiwan because the lack of cold air due to the blocking effect of the Central Mountain Range under the post-frontal prevailing northeasterly flow. The interaction of the sea breeze and the prevailing northeasterlies over the mesolow area provided the cyclonic vorticity in this case. The cyclonic wind shear due to the land-sea differential friction effect may help to maintain the mesolow intensity in northwestern Taiwan.The development and intensification of the convections were closely related to the mesolow for either the case which accompanied by heavy rainfall over the mesolow area or the case which had heavy rainfall that occurred to the south of the mesolow. The frictional convergence in the boundary layer over the mesolow area and the local convergence produced to the south of the mesolow by the interaction of the southwesterly flow and local circulations (downslope wind and land breeze) appeared to be responsible for the intensification and formation of the convections, and thus the heavy rainfall, over the same area.Finally, variations of the environmental conditions indicated that the large potential instability was released during the heavy rainfall period through the active deep convections. The recovery of the instability over south-western Taiwan was quite efficient under the prevailing low-level warm and moist southwesterly flows. For the two heavy rainfall cases over southwestern Taiwan, the one which had a greater convective available potential energy, a large convective Richardson number, and a greater precipitable water possessed more active convections, greater cloud top heights and greater rainfall amount.


