  • 期刊


Contents of Preservatives, Sulfite and Carboxymethyl Cellulose in Marketed Fruit Juice and Jam in Taiwan


市售果汁及果醬製造廠牌種類繁多,且銷售量大,而其添加物使用是否符合規定,則有待抽驗了解其實際狀況,以提供有關單位參考,加強果汁及果醬之衛生管理,並維護消費者之健康及權益。 本調查於全省北、中、南、東四大地區主要縣市之超級市場抽購進口果汁、果醬100件及國產果汁、果醬50件,共計150件,調查其防腐劑、漂白劑及羧甲基纖維素之使用情形。經檢驗結果顯示:檢出防腐劑24件,漂白劑2件,而其含量均符合食品添加物使用範圍及用量標準之規定。至於羧甲基纖維素方面,首先針對其檢驗方法作深入研究,結果顯示,由於果汁及果醬之中含多量果膠(pectin),會干擾羧甲基纖維素之檢測,雖添加鈣離子可去除少部分果膠,但仍殘留大部分果膠,故改以果膠分解酶(pectinase)作用,則可顯著將果膠去除,此檢驗方法之回收率為72.5~74.6%,最低檢出量為0.2mg/g, 150件檢體中計有20件檢出,其含量約符合食品添加物使用範圍及用量標準之規定。




This report was firstly conducted the study to develop a analytical condition for detecting carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in fruit juice and jam. The present study showed the addition of pectinase promptly removed the pectin in juice and jam, and hence greatly reduced its interference. This method for detecting CMC by using spectrophotometry at 540 nm showed a recovery of 72.5-74.6% and detection limit at 0.2mg/g. A total number of 150 fruit juice and jam were sampled in Taiwan during the period of July 1988 to June 1989. The samples included 100 imported juice and jam and 50 local products. The preservatives, sulfite bleaching agent and carboxymethyl cellulose contents in the samples were analyzed. The results showed that preservatives such as sorbic acid and benzoic acid were detected in 24 samples of of juice and jam, while sulfite bleaching agent wea found in 2 imported fruit juice and CMC was found in 10 fruit juice and 10 jam, all local made products. However the contents of above food additives in juice and jam were all below the limits set by the regulation.


