  • 期刊

Study on Biological Assay for Paralytic Shellfish Poisons: Clinical Signs of ICR Mice Induced by Paralytic Shellfish Poisons



麻痺性貝毒(Paralytic Shellfish Poisons)是最早被發現的藻類毒素,近年來亦相繼發現其他的藻類毒素,但是仍以麻痺性貝毒的發生最為頻繁,且對人類的健康危害甚鉅。 本報告以鹽酸抽取遭受麻痺性貝毒污染的西施貝(Purple clam, Soletellina diphos)其可食用部位中所含之麻痺性貝毒,經腹腔注射或口服投予20±1g ICR系小鼠後,於臨床上均可觀察到不同程度之反應,計有:逆毛、搔抓、舉尾反應、震顫、共濟失調、廻旋運動、後弓反張、痙攣等,甚至死亡;其中屬於特異性反應者計有舉尾反應、廻旋運動、後弓反張。同時經後肢局部皮下注射,亦可誘發該試驗動物之後肢麻痺。 全部檢驗時程僅需二小時餘。試驗小鼠於投予檢品後所觀察到的特異性臨床症狀,似宜作為-快速篩選麻痺性貝毒的方法。文中亦將依麻痺性貝毒對小鼠致死時間的反應,進行劑量反應曲線之探討。




In the recent past, a variety of toxins had been discovered continuously, while paralytic shellfish poisons (PSP) was the first one to be identified and the most frequently to be found as well as dangerous to human beings. In this report PSP was extracted by 0.1N HC1 from meat of purple clams, Soletellina diphos, which accumulated dinoflagellate sp. as biological concentration. The extracted samples were administered via routes of intraperitoneal injection and per os to weight 20±1g ICR strain mice, which had been aroused many clinical signs. These clinical signs include hair bristly (ruffling of fur), scratch, erecting of tail, tremor, incoordination/ataxia, circling of movement, opisthotonus and convulsion, finally death. Hindleg of guinea pigs, rats, and mice were subcutaneously innoculated with the extracted sample which caused local paresis (slang leg) of the lab-animals respectively. All examination procedures were carried out only two hours or more. The results showed that the specific clinical signs of the mice induced by PSP such as erecting of tail, circling of movement, opisthotonus and convulsion, seems to be a rapid method for screening PSP in shellfish. The doseresponse curve of PSP in mice was also discussed in this paper.


