  • 期刊


Pi-hole Testing and the Assessment of Adulteration with Local Anesthetics in Condoms Distributed in Taiwan Market


本計畫於民國八十六年七月至八十七年六月間,委託台灣省各縣市及北高兩市衛生局至全省各地區之藥局(房)及超級商店抽購市售衛生套檢體共計93件(每件五打),依據八十三年九月二十六日修定之中國國家標準CNS 13245乳膠製衛生套檢驗法中針孔試驗方法進行試驗判定之,並以薄層層析方法檢驗是否攙加局部麻醉劑;檢驗結果:針孔試驗有5件不合格,不合格率5.4%,均為輸入產品,而全部抽購檢體均未檢出含局部麻醉劑。


In order to ascertain the quality of Locally distributed condoms, 93 samples were purchased from drugstores and supper market from different counties and cities in the Taiwan area, during 1998 fiscal year. The pin-hole test was carried out following the methods listed in CNS No.13245. The results showed that 5 samples(5.4%) failed to meet the requirement mentioned above. These samples all represented imported products. Thin Layer Chromatography(T.L.C method) was further employed to analyse of the 93 samples were adulterated with local anesthetics such as Benzocaine, Cocaine HCl, Lidoccaine HCl, Procaine HCl, Tetracaine HCl And Dibucaine HCl. The test results indicated that none of the above Listed local anesthtics was detected.
