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Studies on the Production of Sprout and/or Seedling Vegetables




芽菜 苗菜 豆類 油料作物 蔬菜


Among the 44 Kinds of seeds tested, mungbean, garden pea, alfalfa, amaranth, water convovulus, snap bean, sunflower, chinese cabbage, soybean, buckwheat and kidney bean were suitable for the production of sprout .and/or seedling vegetable. The production procedure of sprouts is described as follows. Seeds were presoaked in water for 15-21 hrs at room temperatures. They were then placed in the trays, which were used for the production of rice seedling, in a dark room (23-28°C, 80-90%, R. H.). Water spraying was conducted for 15 min. once every 4 hours. Although the rice seedling trays can also be used, seedling vegetables grew better in the trays filled with sand plus sawdust (3 : 1, v/v) medium or non-woven cloth. Because seeds of red asparagus bean and common bean were too expensive, soybean seeds rotted easily, cowpea seeds not growing uniformly, sesame and corn seedling with bitter taste, they were not suitable for the production of sprout and/or seedling vegetables. Results of the medium tests indicated that sand plus sawdust (3 : 1, v/v) was the best composition for the production of pea seedling vegetables. It was almost a standard medium for various kind of seeds. Good quality of mungbean and radish seedling vegetable were obtained in this medium just by adquate watering without any special care. Best presoaking time was 18 hars for garden pea seeds, 21 hrs for mungbean and reddish seeds. Best quality of garden pea seedling vegetables were produced when the seeds were incubated in the dark room for 4 days, and then they were moved outside for another 3 days under 80% of shading. When mungbean seeds were presoaked in the methionine (2,000 ppm) solution, better quality of bean sprouts were obtained.





