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Studies on Maturity and Storage Quality of Winter Melon (Cucumis melo var. inodorous)


‘南場試交4號’、‘蜜世界’及‘翡翠綠’三種洋香瓜,種植田間後採隧道式簡易設施栽培,進行生育調查及不同溫度貯藏試驗。生育調查結果發現,果實生長曲線均呈單s型,且開花後35天果實已達一定大小;內生乙烯濃度以‘翡翠綠’最高,於花後38天即達3ppm以上,其餘二品種則於花後50天時達4.7 ppm;果實硬度以‘南場試交4號’最高,於花後32天到35天有一明顯降低現象:果實糖度變化於花後47天時已達11 Brix以上。果皮顏色變化顯示,果實成熟時果皮顏色由濃綠色轉變成淡黃綠色。由於‘翡翠綠’最早成熟,果實採收適期為花後45天,‘南場試交4號’及‘蜜世界’則於花後50天採收為宜。貯藏試驗結果,三品種洋香瓜果實於20℃下貯放一至二週內生乙烯濃度即升高,果實硬度降低,在12℃下三週後內生乙烯濃度仍低,果實硬度維持良好,而花後45天果實硬度均較50天果實者高,且貯藏期間糖度無明顯降低現象。‘南場試交4號’及‘蜜世界’果實在7℃下貯藏二週均出現果皮凹陷及褐色病斑之寒害病徵,而‘翡翠綠’貯藏於7℃下三週仍無寒害現象發生。因此花後45天或50天之‘南場試交4號’及‘蜜世界’果實宜在12℃貯藏可獲得較佳之貯藏壽命。


生長曲線 內生乙烯濃度 硬度 糖度 寒害


Winter melons of 'Tainan Test Cross No.4', 'Honey World' and 'Jade Green' were used in this study. Seedlings were planted under PE sheet tunnels. Fruit maturity and storage at various temperatures were investigated.A simple sigmoid growth curve of fruit development is exhibited by all the three cultivars. Fruit size did not incerase 35 days after anthesis. The internal ethylene concentration of 'Jade Green' fruit reached above 3 ppm at 38 days after anthesis. Fruit firmness of 'Tainan Test Cross No.4' was the highest with a significant decrease at 32 to 35 days after anthesis. Total soluble solids (TTS) reached above 11 brix at 47 days after anthesis. Surface color of fruit turned from dark green to slight yellow green when ripened. 'Jade Green' fruit ripen eariler, which was ripen at 45 days after anthesia ; while 'Honey World' and 'Tainan Test Cross No.4' require 50 days.Muskmelon fruits stored at 20°C (RH 85~90%) for 1 to 2 weeks exhibited an increase in internal ethylene concentration and fruit softening. For the fruit stored for 3 weeks at 12°C, internal ethylene concentration remained at low level and fruit firmness maintained at hard. Fruits harvasted at 45 days after anthesis had higher firmness than those harvested at 50 days after anthesis. TTS was not significantly affected during storage. Fruit of 'Tainan Test Cross No.4' and 'Honey World', stored at 7°C for 2 weeks showed chilling injury symptoms with sunken surface and brown spots. While the 'Jade Green' did not show any chilling injury symptom after stored at 7°C for 3 weeks. It is suggested that 'Tainan Test Cross No.4' and 'Honey World' should be harvested at 45 days or 50 days after anthesis and stored at 12°C with an appoximate storage life of 3 weeks.
