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Breeding of Silage Corn Hybrid "Tainan No. 19"


台南19號命名前代號為南育Si-16號,屬單雜交種,其系譜為Tzi 3XP 7910-376,母本Tzi3是自美國Dekalb種子公司引進之自交系,白色馬齒種,葉片寬大,莖桿粗壯,對露菌病及矮化型嵌紋病之抗性為中抗,莖腐病為抗,普通型銹病及輪生期螟害為強抗,對南方型銹病及開花期螟害無抗性。父本P7910-376為自美國Pioneer種子公司引進綜合品種,經分離及抗病蟲性篩選而育成之自交系,黃色硬粒種,對露菌病、莖腐病、矮化型嵌紋病及普通型銹病均為強抗,南方型銹病為抗,輸生期與開花期螟害為中抗。南育Si-16號於77年秋作選育出,經選拔參加新品系比較試驗,全省性區域試驗、栽培密度與肥料試驗、抗病蟲性檢定、成株營養成分及青貯品質分析後。各項試驗、檢定及分析結果顯示,南育Si-16號鮮草產量高而穩定,對各重要病蟲害(包括露菌病、莖腐病、矮化型嵌紋病、普通型銹病、南方型銹病及輪生期與開花期螟害)均具抗性。成株營養成分及青貯品質均佳,適合推廣生產做為乳牛養殖之芻料。本品種在全省主要玉米產區均適合推廣栽培。種植密度秋作每公頃62,500株,行株距80X20公分,春作每公頃株數83,333株,行株距70X20公分。施肥量:每公頃氮素200公斤、磷酐及氧化鉀各90公斤。南育Si-16號於82年5月26日經農林廳召集之作物新品種審查會通過,命名為台南19號。


Tainan No. 19 is a single cross silage corn hybrid. It was coded as Nanyu No. Si-16 before registration. Its pedigree is Tzi 3XP 7910-376. The maternal line Tzi 3 was introduced from Dekalb Seed Company in the United State. It was endowed with white dent kernel. widely large leaves and firmly standed stalks. Tzi 3 was also characterized with moderate resistance to downy mildew, and maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV-B), resistance to stalk rot, highly resistance to common rust and corn borer in pollen shedding stage. The paternal line P 7910-376 was bred from a composite of Pioneer Seed Company. It was characterized with highly resistance to downy mildew, stalk rot, maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV-B) and common rust, moderate resistance to southern rust, and corn borer in both whorl and pollen-shedding stages. Since being selected out in fall crop of 1988. Nanyu No. Si-16 was recommended to participate in islandwide yield trial for newly developed silage corn hybrids, effect test on plant density and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizers, economic important disease and insect pests as well as chemical ananlysis for nutrition in whole plants and silage corn quality. The data collected from the above tests indicated that Nanyu No. Si-16 is characterized with stable high-yielding ability, resistance to downy mildew, stalk rot, maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV-B), rust, corn borer and with high nutrition level in mature plant and good quality in silage corn. These revealed that Nanyu No. 16 could be widely cultivated in the major corn production areas in islandwide and used as feed for milk cattle industry. After being evaluated by the meeting of the Registration Committee for new crop cultivar convened by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Taiwan Provincial Government, Nanyu No. Si-16 was finanlly named as Tainan No. 19 in May. 26. 1993. The proper plant density for Tainan No. 19 is 62,500 or 83,333 plants per hectare, the distance between rows is 70 or 80 cm, between hills is 20 cm. the recommended amount of N.P.K. fertilizers per hectare is 200 kg, 90 kg and 90 kg, respectively.


Chang, P. H. (2014). 高介電係數 /金屬閘極製程之靜電放電防護設計與研究 [master's thesis, National Chiao Tung University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.01053
