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Ages and Their Significance for Human and Vertebrate Fossils from the Linco-Bali Coast Area




The alluvial coastal plains and surrounding hills of the Linco -Bali coastal area are renowned for their Tafenkeng and Shihsanhang prehist01ic artifacts. Large amounts of prehistoric stone and china artifacts, human bones and animal fossils have been found on the tidal plain in the study area. Dating results on human bone point s to human activity in the area since the peoples of the Tafenkeng prehistoric era up until the Ching Dynasty. The oldest known human remains in northern Taiwan (a neck bone) were discovered in this study. Human bones and animal fossils have been found together on the tidal plain; however, according to the dating results, the human bones and animal fossils may come from different formations. The human bone might come from a surface Holocene prehistoric site and the animal fossils from the Tananwan Formation, which is Pleistocene.
