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A Sojourn into the Lost Niche-A Classificatory Study of the Southeast Asian Swords of the Collection of the National Taiwan Museum


東南亞刀劍是極富區域文化風格的一項文化遺產,國內有相關典藏之機構仍不多,而國立臺灣博物館典藏的東南亞刀劍又均屬20世紀初之早期典藏,且為目前館藏東南亞文物中數量最多的單一類別,然因歷史因素,較少受到重視,猶如「失落的藏品角落」。透過藏品整理與研究,一則可對這批原畫歸「南支南洋類」的藏品進行「收藏脈絡」的歷史性探討,二則針對「器物脈絡」進行實證分析,對其型制分類建立系統性架構(8類40種),修訂標本資料不盡周詳之處,逐步廓清藏品之文化內涵, 最終則試圖肯定「器物脈絡」與「收藏脈絡」在博物館藏品研究中應有的合理關係。


The Southeast Asian sword is an important reservoir of cultural heritage full of special cultural styles pertaining to this region. In Taiwan, only a limited number of museum bodies have incorporated this relevant item of artifacts into its collection. In this respect, the National Taiwan Museum has gathered 153 relevant pieces, which came into existence dating back to the early 20^(th) century and esteem to forming the largest single category of its Southeast Asian collections. Regretfully, historical unfavorable situations have driven this collection into un-proportionate insignificance, something equals to "the lost niche." The intention of this collections study is two-folded. First, the author tries to reach a historical analysis of the "context of curation" of these swords, which was formerly under the category of "the Southern China and Southern Ocean region" during the Japanese Occupation period. Secondly, in keeping with the empirical delineations of the " context of artifact analysis", the author also tries to exampIify a systematic framework of the classification of typology regarding these artifacts, locate the necessary modifications and formulate additional data to strengthen the database of these artifacts, so as to pave the way to clarify their cultural significance. Finally, the author also tries to propagate the notion of achieving a vantage relationship between "the context of curation" and "the context of artifact analysis" in carrying out collections study.
