  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study of the Determinants of Hospital Length of Stay among the Aged


本研究的目的是在透過對本學院附設醫院淤民國 72 至 81 的十年問,年滿 55 歲以上病人之住院日數進行分析,以探討病人及疾病兩類因素對住院日數之影響力,希望能有助朴未來老人醫療資源需求的瞭解,進而有效的規劃,以維護老人的健康研究結果收集到 57 , 009 次病例,平均住院日數為 14 . 28±21 . 06 日,單一自變項分析時,性別、年齡、診斷疾病數、出院狀況、入院年、及保險等六個自變項均對住院日數在統計上達到顯著水準“複迥歸分析顯示,就整體樣本而言,以病人是否因白內障住院對住院日數影響最大,其次為是否因同一疾病而多次入院、病人的出院狀況、以及診斷疾病數,再次為是否有保險“至朴入院之主要診斷疚病不同時,影響住院日數因子雖不完全相同,但仍相近,大都是以多次入院、出院狀況及保險狀況為主要影響因子,入院年及診斷疾病數其次,而性另 q 則完全沒有進入任何模式“




The current study reviewed the medical records of those inpatients who were 55 years old at admission and were admitted to Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital between 1983 and 1992. The purpose was to investigate the influences of patient characteristics and disease factor on the length of hospital stay. The long- term goals of these results are to provide a better understanding of the medical needs of aged people, especially the need of hospital beds, and to aid in an effective planning of medical resources for them to maintain their health. 57,009 records were collected. The average length of stay was 14.28 days with a standard deviation of 21.06. Gender, age, condition at discharge, number of diseases diagnosed, year admitted, and whether insured showed signifiDepartments cant difference when they were tested by univariate statistical procedures. Multiple regression (MR) analysis was used to test the relative importance of these variables. It showed that whether or not cataracts were diagnosed had the most influence on the length of stay for the pooled samples. Condition at discharge, numbers of admissions, number of diseases diagnosed, and insurance had moderate predictive power. MR on the ten leading diseases separately showed that numbers of admissions, conditions at discharge, and insurance status were the three most important predictors at most models. Number of diseases diagnosed and admisison year were also in several of the 10 models. However, gender did not enter any model.


length of stay geriatrics


