  • 期刊

Use of Anti-asthmatic Medications in Elderly Taiwanese Patients




本研究在探討台灣老人氣喘病患使用之抗氣喘藥物。 材料與方法:本研究使用中央健保局之電腦化處檔案,藥物依據解部治療化學分類系統(Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classificartion System)分類,分析>65歲老人氣喘用藥之處方模式及用量,與不同科別醫師對抗氣喘藥物處方之影響。 結果:本研究共分析70萬多張處方與22萬病患,處方藥物以口服製劑為主,僅有3.94%與7.79%之老人氣喘病患分別接受吸入式類固醇吸入式短乙二型交感神經興奮劑(β-agonists)之治療。就所開立之吸入式抗氣喘藥物在處方中所佔百分比而論,除cromolyn外,胸腔內科醫師顯著多於其他科別醫師。除ketotifen外,女性比男性使用較少各類抗氣喘藥物。 結論:在老人氣喘之治療上,台灣之醫師似乎未依現今國際氣喘診治引之建議,開立適量之吸入式抗發炎劑。


氣喘 老人 用藥


The aim of this study was to assess the use of anti-asthmatic medications in Taiwanese geriatric asthmatic patients. We used computerized prescription databases from the National Health Insurance Program, Taiwan, and classified drugs according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System to analyze the patterns and extent of medication use in people aged over 65 years, and the influence of physician specialty on the prescription of anti-asthmatics. A total of 708,624 prescriptions for 226,018 patients were analyzed. Oral medications were most often prescribed. Only 3.94% and 7.79% of patients were treated with inhaled corticosteroids and inhaled short-acting β-agonists, respectively. Pulmonologists prescribed significantly more inhaled anti-asthmatics, except for cromolyn, than other types of physicians. More males than females were prescribed each category of anti-asthmatic medications, except for ketotifen. In conclusion, physicians in Taiwan do not prescribe as many inhaled anti-inflammatory agents for the treatment of asthma in the elderly as suggested in international treatment guidelines.


asthma geriatric medication
