  • 期刊


Issues and Countermeasures on the Safety of Agriculture Production Environment in Taiwan - Using WASP Model in the Dayuan District Taoyuan City


本研究目的為整合各單位環境資源(農田水利會與環保署),利用現有渠道水質及底泥等資料,建立渠道水質污染傳輸模式,並從過往的定期採樣數據,透過數學統計檢定方法,評定出電導度與重金屬離子濃度之間的顯著關係,得以推估此區域的水質污染為銅離子所造成。並依據前人研究顯示,WASP模式(Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program(WASP))已廣泛運用在大尺度流域及河川模擬,然較少研究利用WASP模式模擬小範圍之灌溉渠道。本研究透過WASP模式採用簡單毒物模組,建立銅離子污染傳輸模式,透過建立水理與水質的模型,評估灌溉渠道的涵容能力,並且計算下游灌溉農田所會遭受之重金屬污染之程度與濃度年成長率,並建議其改善方案,以提升農業生產安全。


The purpose of this study is to integrate the resources of Irrigation Association and Environment Protection Agency. Utilize the sampling data of water and sediment in irrigating channels to establish the model of water pollutant transportation, and based on the sampling data and statistical methods to analyze the correlation between the electrical conductivity and concentration of heavy metal ion in the irrigation water. According to the results, water pollution in this area caused by copper pollutant. According to previous studies, Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) has been widely applied in large-scale watersheds and river, but rarely applied in small-scale irrigation channels. This study utilized WASP model to establish copper ion transport and evaluate the assimilative capacity of irrigation channels. By calculate the annual accumulating rate of heavy metal pollutant in downstream farmland and evaluate current polluted situation, suggest improvement countermeasures to assure the safety of agricultural products.


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行政院環境保護署(2014).全國重金屬高污染潛勢農地之管制及調查計畫(第 2 期).,未出版瑞昶科技股份有限公司.
