  • 期刊


Exploring the Future Development of Cross-Boundary Governance in Taiwan: Opportunities in Glocalization


世界都市(world cities)是全球資本作為空間組織、生產與市場連結的空間基礎點,也是全國與全球兩個不同空間層級經濟活動的交會處,國內與國際移民以之為終點站。全球在地化促進城市更加速開放變革,使城市成為國家發展的推動力量。各國中央政府多就其結構與角色進行轉型,推動地方再造政策,提升地方政府管理全球變遷的能力、機會與可能性。 我國以往地方政府的全球化議題,大部份只限於姊妹市的國際關係,策略的多元性明顯不足,大部份縣市缺乏經驗與能力,加上財力不足,缺乏誘因來形塑與執行全球化策略,以致無法激勵經濟發展,對地方的社會經濟環境帶來改變,為居民謀取福祉。 然而從相關調查發現,台灣地區都會邊緣城市正大幅躍進,地方版圖變動由「縮小南北差距」轉變為「多軸心發展」,都會發展軸心持續往郊區位移,「區塊聚落經濟」準備啟動,百里侯們也增添了國際觀,兩岸新局更帶來新的想像。 面對全球在地化時代,本文試從城市競爭力角度,探討國家競爭力與城市躍升力量的相關因素,並對跨域治理的全球化議題,進行現況與發展前擔探討。全球化對城市的發展帶來挑戰,卻也為城市發展提供了新的契機。


”World Cities” can serve as a cornerstone to link global organizations, markets, and the production of goods and services, as an intersection of economic activities on both domestic and international levels, and as a destination for domestic and global migration. Glocalization accelerates processes of innovation and opening up within cities. Consequently, cities become a key driving force for national development. Many governments around the world have transformed their structures and roles, in order to promote local revitalization and raise local governments' capacities to deal with changes in world affairs. In facing many issues of globalization, Taiwan's cities have mainly pursued the limited approach of building global sister-city relationships. Taiwan's local governments have traditionally lacked the necessary versatility, experience, incentives, and financial resources to formulate and implement effective globalization strategies. As a result, Taiwan's localities have been unable to effectively promote social and economic developments that can benefit local residents. Researches have shown that cities on the periphery of Taiwan's metropolises have undergone a crucial transformation, from ”reducing Taiwan's north-south development disparity,” towards ”multi-axis development.” The focus of urban development continues to shift to suburban areas, which boosts the growth of regional economies. In addition, local officials are more exposed to global perspectives, and thus can offer more contributions to the Cross-Strait relationship. In light of the rise of glocalization, this essay explores interrelated factors between national competitiveness and the advancement of cities, from the standpoint of the competitive characteristics of cities. Furthermore, this essay examines the current status and future developments of cross-boundary governance under the influence of globalization. Globalization brings both challenges and opportunities to the development of cities.


廖泳柔(2016)。跨域治理機制之政策行銷 ─以中臺區域合作發展平臺為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0301430
