  • 期刊

Methamphetamine-induced Conditioned Place Preference is Facilitated by Estradiol Pretreatment in Female Mice


Ovarian hormones were well documented to modulate the dopamine release in the central dopaminergic systems. The dopamine-releasing effects in the nucleus accumbens, a major target of the mesolimbicortical dopaminergic system, were closely associated with the reinforcing effects of two psychomotor stimulants, cocaine and methamphetamine. This study aimed to examine the sex differences in the cocaine- and methamphetamine-reinforcing behavior, conditioned place preference. In addition, the modulating effects of estradiol and progesterone on methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference were investigated in both sexes of adult gonadectomized mice. There was no sex difference in the sensitivity to the cocaine (5 mg/kg)-induced conditioned place preference. However, female mice exhibited a more potent methamphetamine (1 mg/kg)-induced conditioned place preference than did male mice. Moreover, pretreatment with estradiol for two consecutive days before the beginning of the conditioning and throughout the four daily conditionings (0.47 g /day for totally six days) effectively facilitated methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in gonadectomized female mice, but not in gonadectomized male mice. Progesterone, under a similar treatment regimen (0.47 g/day for six consecutive days), did not alter the methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in either sex of gonadectomized mice. Taken together, we conclude that the facilitating effects of estradiol on methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference could be sex-dependent with an eminent sensitivity associated with the adult female mice.


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