  • 期刊

Computer Simulation of the Reentrant Cardiac Arrhythmias in Ischemic Myocardium


Computer simulation was performed to determine how reentrant activity could occur due to the spatial heterogeneity in refractoriness induced by the regional ischemia. Two regional ischemic models were developed by decreasing the intracellular ATP concentration, reducing conductance of the inward Na(superscript +) current and increasing the extracellular K(superscript +) concentration on the two-dimensional sheet. Operator splitting method was used to integrate the models. The vulnerability to reentry was estimated from the timings of premature stimuli on the constructed models, which could result in unidirectionally propagating action potentials. Two kinds of sustained spiral waves and their Pseudo-Electroscardiograms were observed in numerical simulation. The results showed that the dispersion of refractory period increased with ischemic aggravation, and led to augment of the vulnerable window. A permature stimulation within the vulnerable window could easily induce spiral reentry. The Pseudo-Electrocardiograms of the spiral waves exhibited monomorphic tachycardiac waveforms. Thus, the spatial heterogeneity in refractoriness could be a substrate for reentrant ventricular tachyarrhythmias on the regional ischemic tissue.


arrhythmia computer simulations ischemia reentrant


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