  • 期刊

Identification of Androgen-Responsive Element (ARE) and Sp1 Element in the Maspin Promoter


Maspin is a senile protease inhibitor (serpin) with tumor-suppressing function in mammary gland. It is down-regulated in primary prostate cancer cells and lost in metastatic cells. To better understand the transcriptional regulation of maspin gene, the 860bp (-765~+95) of its promoter sequence was amplified b PCR from the human genomic DNA. Then this 860bp sequence and a series of deletions from 5' and 3' ends were inserted into the upstream of luciferase reporter gene respectively. Results from dual luciferase reporter assay and electrophoretic mobility shift assay indicated that there were a negative androgen-responsive element (ARE) in the region of -277 to -262 and a positive Sp1 element in the region of +14 to +35, respectively. In addition, androgen receptor (AR) can recognize and bind to the ARE element, and then inhibit the activity of maspin promoter.


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