  • 期刊


The Development and Release of Tainung 5 Peanut


落花生臺農5號係以母本Spanish White與父本CJ-444(由Chiba Bunch×Java 2而來),於民國62年春作進行雜交,利用混合法(bulk method),在F4行單株選拔,並歷經株行、二行、中級及高級品系產量比較試驗所選出之優良品系(代號73-F-150),經69年春作至70年秋作共二年,分別於全省落花生主產區進行區域試驗之結果,顯示此品系(代號爲農育4號)產量高且穩定,種子具短期之休眠性,乃獲審查通過命名爲落花生臺農5號,正式於民國71年11月起推廣,供農民種喳,本品種屬小粒型(Spanish type),植株直立,約有4~5分枝。葉片形大、呈淡綠色,小葉爲倒卵形。莢果爲中筒形、果腰淺具網紋且殼薄,莢果大小約爲2.93×1.21cm,百莢改達123g,多爲二粒莢。仔粒爲精圓形,種皮淡紅色,千粒重達499g。種子油分含量爲49.7%,粗蛋白質含量爲26.1%,且具有3週之種子休眠性,剝實率達71.8~72.9%。在全省區域試驗中,莢果產量春作平均爲3,359kg/ha;秋作爲2,246kg/ha,較對照品種增收6.1~6.8%及3.4~9.3%。籽粒產量在春作及秋作也分別較對照種增產5.4~9.1%及2.2~10.5%。此外,種子地中萌芽率也較對照種減少約26.6~28.7%。可減少雨害之地中萌芽減產損失及防止黃麴毒素之污染。




Tainung 5 peanut was developed from the F4 bulk population of Spanish White×CJ-444 (Chiba Bunch × Java 2) cross combination made in 1973. High yielding potential, wide adaptability, and short term seed-dormancy of Tainung 5 were identified through preliminary, intermediate, advanced, and regional yield trials and it was released as a new peanut cultivar in 1983. Tainung 5 is a typical Spanish-type peanut with erect growth habit and early-maturing characteristics. Two-seeded pods with medium cylindrical shape, constriction, and reticulation were common for this variety. The size of pods was about 2.95 cm×1.21 cm. 100-pod weight was about 126 g. Eliptical kernels with red testa and 499g of 1,000-seed weight were shown for Tainung 5. Seeds of Tainung 5 have three week seed dormancy duration which can prevent the yield loss and aflatoxin contamination caused by rainfall during harvesting period. About 49.7 and 26.10% of oil and crude protein in seed were also found, respectively. The mean pod yield of Tainung 5 in the regional yield trials was 3,359 kg/ha in the spring crop and 2,246 kg/ha in the fall crop, which outyielded the Tainan Selection 9 and Tainung 4, the check varieties by 6.1-6.8 and 3.4-9.3%, respectively. Kernel yield of this variety was also outyielded these check varieties by 5.4-9.1 and 2.2-10.5% in the spring and fall crop seasons, respectively. High-yield potential with three-week seed dormancy duration of Tainung 5 will be extended for cultivation around the island.




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