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Age Determination and Growth of Lutjanus sanguineus (C. & V.) in the South China Sea


1.本報告是以年齡形質法來判定南海產赤鰭笛鯛之年齡,並估計其成長情況。於1973年4月起至1974年3月間,共採集東京灣(the Gulf of Tonkin)產者960尾,北巽他陸棚(NorthernSunda Shelf)產者410尾,研究結果如下所述: 1.脊椎骨、鱗片與鰓蓋骨等三種年齡形質中,以脊椎骨椎體上之輪紋最明晰而易判讀。 2.由同一個體所得之各椎體具有等數之輪紋,且輪紋的相對位置相似;中央部位之各節脊椎骨的成長率較前後部位者穩定;同體長異個體間各節脊椎骨大小變異之情形以及同體長相鄰各節脊椎骨大小變異情形,以第13~15節較小,故取第14節為判讀輪紋之年齡形質,並取第13與15節為備用。 3.由於輪紋數隨體長增大而增加;等輪紋之不同個體,椎體上之輪紋亦具有相似性;相鄰輪紋間,輪徑組成均互相分離,且各輪羣之平均輪徑均有所異;以上諸結果顯示輪紋具有相當之規則性,故以脊椎骨之椎體為年齡形質來查定年齡與估計成長頗為可靠。 4.椎徑(R)與尾叉長(L)呈L=aR(上标 b)之關係,其關係式為: 東京灣者: L=0.8379R^(0.9009)(L:cm.,R:mm×15) 北巽他陸棚者: L=0.9363R^(0.8908)(L:cm.,R:mm×15) 經廻歸直線差異比較結果,ln R-ln L關係式之廻歸係數無差異,而修正平均值於1%水準上有顯著差異,故東京灣者與北巽他陸棚者的R—L關係有所差異。 5.由椎體之邊緣成長率的月別變化,得知輪紋一年形成一輪,形成時期為四至五月。 6.輪紋形成時期之估計尾叉長為: 東京灣者: l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 l11 20.76 30.27 38.75 46.04 52.21 57.05 61.50 64.99 69.05 72.67 75.38 cm 北巽他陸棚者: l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 21.57 31.57 40.96 48.92 54.87 60.11 66.10 70.49 74.04 76.76 cm 7.年齡與體長間關係,以von Bertalanffy成長方程式表示得: 東京灣者: l(下标 t)=92.67(1-e(上标 -0.1417(t+0.8185))(l(下标 t):cm,t:year) 北巽他陸棚者: l(下标 t)=96.54(1-e(上标 -0.1484(t+0.6698))(l(下标 t):cm,t:year) 比較上列兩成長方程式得知,北巽他陸棚者之成長情況較東京灣者為佳。 8.體重(W)與尾叉長(L)呈W=aL(上标 b)之關係: 東京灣者: W=0.0326L^(2.8023)(W:g,L:cm.) 北巽他陸棚者: W=0.0250 L^(2.8709)(W:g,L:cm) 經迴歸直線差異比較結果,ln W—ln L關係之廻歸係數於5%水準上有顯著差異,故知兩海域赤鰭笛鯛之ln W-ln L關係式有所差異。 9.年齡與體重關係,以von Bertalanffy體重成長方程式表示得: 東京灣者: W(下标 t)=10596.71(1-e(上标 -0.1417(t+0.8185))^(2.8023)(W(下标 t):g,t:year)北巽他陸棚者: W(下标 t)=12469.13(1-e(上标 -0.1484(t+0.6698))^(2.8709)(W(下标 t):g,t:year) 比較此兩方程式得知北巽他陸棚者的體重增長情況北東京灣者為佳。




1.The present paper deals with the age and the growth of Lutjanus sanguineus (C. & V.) by means of age characteristics. The samples were taken by Taiwan bull trawlers from the catch of 960 fish in the Gulf of Tonkin and 410 fish in Northern Sunda Shelf from April 1973 to March 1974. The results are summarized as follows: 2. Among opercle, scale, and vertebra with regard to the age characteristics of L. sanguineus, the ring on centrum of vertebra is the most observable. 2. Since (a) every vertebra has the same ring number and similarity of relative position of ring on centrum, (b) the growth rate of the middle part is more steady than that of anterior and posterior regions along the vertebral column, and (c) the vertebral length and the centrum diameter of the 13rd-15th vertebrae are moderate with small variance, the 14th vertebra is selected for ring reading. The 13rd and 15th vertebrae are used only if the 14th one was damaged. 3. (a) The larger the fish grow, the more the number of rings. (b) Individuals with the same ring number show the corresponding position of ring groups on centrum. (c) The ring-radius composition are nearly separated between any two successive ring groups and their mean ring-radius are different. The above indications show a high regularity of rings once ntrum that it is reasonable to use vertebrae as an age characteristics. 4.The relationship of centrum radius (R)-fork length (L) is expressed by L=aR(superscript b), thus: The Gulf of Tonkin: L=0.8379R^0.9099 Northern Sunda Shelf: L=0.6363R^0.8908 (R:mm×15,L:cm) Following the comparison of the difference in regression lines, ln R-ln L relationships of two samples show insignificant difference between the regression coefficients, but significant difference between the adjusted means. 5.According to the monthly fluctuation in the rate of marginal increment, one ring is formed per year and the time of ring formation is from April to May in bothsamples. 6.The calculated fork length at the time of ring formation is shown as follows: The Gulf of Tonkin: l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 l11 20.76 30.27 38.75 46.04 52.21 57.05 61.50 64.99 69.05 72.67 75.38 cm. Northern Sunda Shelf: l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 l7 l8 l9 l10 21.57 31.57 40.96 48.92 54.87 60.11 66.10 70.49 74.04 76.76 cm 7. Using von Bertalanffy's growth equation for fork length, the following results areobtained: The Gulf of Tonkin: l(subscript t)=92.67(1-e(superscript -0.1417(t+0.8185)) Northern Sunda Shelf: l(subscript t)=96.54(1-e(superscript -0.1484(t+0.6698)) (lt:cm,t:year). Comparing these two growth equations, the growth rate for fork length in Northern Sunda Shelf sample is better than that in the Gulf of Tonkin. 8. The body weight(W)-fork length (L) relationship is expressed by W=aL(superscript b), thus: The Gulf of Tonkin: W=0.0326 L^(2.8023) Northern Sunda Shelf: W=0.0250 L^(2.8709)(W:g,L:cm) Significant difference is found in regression coefficients when the regression lines of ln W onln L are compared. 9. Using yon Bertalanffy's growth equation for body weight, the results are as follows: 26.The Gulf of Tonkin: W(subscript t)=10596.71(1-e(superscript -0.1417(t+0.8185))^(2.8023) 27.Northern Sunda Shelf: W(subscript t)=12469.13(1-e(superscript -0.1484(t+0.6698))^(2.8709)(W(subscript t):g,t:year) Comparing these two equations, the increasing in body weight from the Northern Sunda Shelf samples is better than that from the Gulf of Tonkin.




