  • 期刊


Manufacture, Application and Status of Light Calcium Carbonate


碳酸鈣是一種用途廣泛的無機材料,可應用在造紙、橡膠、塑膠、塗料、建材、醫藥、封裝材料等行業,依製備方法可以分類為重質碳酸鈣、輕質碳酸鈣及奈米碳酸鈣三種。其中,重質碳酸鈣是將天然石灰石、方解石、白堊等石材經機械研磨得到,粒徑較粗約1~5mm;輕質碳酸鈣與奈米碳酸鈣則是經由化學反應沉澱得到,粒徑約0.5-5mm。在晶體形狀方面,重質碳酸鈣為不規則狀,輕質碳酸鈣則以紡錘狀為主。輕質碳酸鈣之使用範圍較重質碳酸鈣廣泛,除作為體積填料外,粒徑較小之微細碳酸鈣更可以作為功能性填料,可增加產品理化性能。製造輕質碳酸鈣方法可分為碳化法、氯化鈣法、苛性鹼、聯鈣及蘇爾維法,但業界最常使用方法為碳化法。在使用碳化反應的製造方法中,依不同碳化反應器形式可分為超重力碳化法、噴霧碳化法、鼓泡碳化法及噴射吸收碳化法。工研院為增加鈣迴路捕獲CO_2 技術之衍生收益,正進行將產出之碳酸鈣與氧化鈣混合廢料,再製成輕質碳酸鈣製程之開發,以期加值化應用於相關產業。本文將介紹製造輕質碳酸鈣的方法及不同晶形之輕質碳酸鈣在各行業的用途與國內外現況。


Calcium Carbonate, a versatile inorganic material is commonly applied in papermaking, rubber, plastic, paints, coating, ink, building material, pharmaceutical, packaging, etc. According to the various manufacturing methods, it can be classified as heavy calcium carbonate, light calcium carbonate, and nano calcium carbonate. Heavy calcium carbonate having particle size 1-5μm is produced by mechanical grinding of limestone, calcite, and chalk. Light calcium carbonate having particle size 0.5-5μm is produced from chemical precipitation. The morphology of the heavy calcium carbonate is mostly irregular-shaped, but light calcium carbonate is mostly spindle shaped. Light calcium carbonate has more extensive applications than heavy calcium carbonate as it not only used as volumetric filling material, it also used as a functional filling material to increase the physical and chemical characteristics of the product. The five common processes of producing calcium carbonate are as follows: carbonation reaction from calcium oxide, carbonation reaction from calcium chloride, bi-product of producing sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate, reaction from the waste powder of calcium oxide and hydrogen chloride. In the industry, the carbonation reaction from calcium oxide is the main manufacturing reaction. For carbonation reaction, the manufacturing processes can be classified based on the reactor types: the high-gravity reactor, the continuous spray crystallization, the bubbling tank, and Venturi tube absorption. Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) aimed to develop light calcium carbonate manufacturing process from both CaO and CaCO_3 mixture waste of CO_2 capture pilot plant and gain added value when applied in related industries. ITRI should enhance financial benefit from developing calcium carbonate capture CO_2 technology. This article addresses the manufacturing processes of light calcium carbonate, the various application of particles with different morphology, and the status of light calcium carbonate.


