  • 期刊


A Study on the Relative Analysis between the Setting of Irrigation System and the District Development in Kaohsiung (1683-1894)




The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the irrigation system and the formation and expansion of settlements in Kaohsiung City during the Qing dynasty. The research was conducted through a geographic viewpoint. Data collected from literature review, maps and field investigations were analyzed through various research methodologies including computer charting, map analysis and other statistical analyses, aiming to present specifically the significant impacts and changes caused by these facilities to the district development of Kaohsiung City. The research results showed that with the full implementation of the Caogong Canal irrigation system, there was a significant increase in the total irrigation area, crop productivity, and number of new settlements in Kaohsiung City. District development in the city, which had been slow or stagnant, was activated for the first time. The new system also led to expanded port trade function and directly contributed to the prosperity of the port area and the development of the relevant hinterlands. Cihou Street, as a result, turned into the center of the metropolitan area. Further, the Shaochuantoujhuang in the port area was extended northward to the north and northwest ends of the city, forming the first linear settlement zone at the west side of the city. In the process of its district development, the city experienced dramatic changes which formed the initial shape of Kaohsiung city as it is today. The Caogong Canal, no doubt, was the key influencing mechanism for all these changes.


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