  • 期刊


Sensitivity Analysis on Damping Factor in Google PageRank


全球第一大搜尋引擎Google以PageRank技術來決定網頁排名。因此,深入瞭解PageRank的基本原理就更顯得有其必要性。本文利用所有基本典型範例來探討公式中阻尼因子(damping factor)變化對PageRank值的影響趨勢。本研究結果顯示:在不同網頁超連結方式,阻尼因子變動確實會對超連結內個別網頁PageRank值產生不同程度的影響,甚至於影響網頁排名,此技術即所謂索引分析(Citation analysis)。進一步研究發現:馬可夫鏈(Markov chain)理論恰好能解釋網頁搜尋特性,並推導得知阻尼因子靠近1較好,但是又不能過分靠近1,此與Google取阻尼因子值為0.85狀況不謀而合。


Google-the largest search engine in the world-uses PageRank technology to determine the rank of website listings. It is thus important to have a decent understanding on PageRank technology for a fair ranking system. In this paper, we study the sensitivity on damping factor in PageRank, by investigating all typical linkage examples in the article ”The Google Page Rank Algorithm and How It Works” (Roger, 2002). It is shown that the choice of the value for damping factor is critical to the PageRank. The degree of impact varies from one case to another. This ranking technology is called Citation analysis. Furthermore, Markov chain theory can be used here for modeling webpage's characteristics. The applications of Markov chain indicates that damping factor should be closer, but not equal to 1. These results support the choice of damping factor d=0.85 currently used by Google.


Citation analysis markov chain search engine


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