  • 期刊


The Movement of Shifting Sand and the Growth of Sand Stabilizing Plants at Shitsugan Coast, Taoyuan


桃園縣許厝港海岸秋冬季節之最多風方向為東北風,而夏季最多風方向則為西南風,年降水量達1236.4 mm。本地定砂植物栽植作業從3月份季節風結束後,即可逢雨開始。許厝港海岸人工砂丘高度約8 m,海岸側斜面極陡,同時在人工砂丘最高處,因飛砂移動激烈而致地形變化很大。人工砂丘主要以0.11-0.3 mm及0.31-0.6 mm之粒徑居多,在海岸高潮線、砂丘迎風斜坡、砂丘頂處、灌木林帶及海岸林帶前後皆以0.11-0.3 mm之小粒徑最多,砂丘背風斜坡處則以0.31-0.6 mm最多,隨著離海岸線的距離愈遠,0.11-0.3 mm之細小粒徑的比例會較多,即隨著離海岸線距離不同,其地表砂土的粒徑組成有明顯的差異。雖然部分砂丘地面有堆砂籬保護或是有地被植物存在,而使得砂地表面的侵蝕與堆積量很低,但人工砂丘之海側基腳常被大浪破壞,而形成不安定的斜面。調查樣區內扦插4個月後馬鞍藤的成活率達72.2-90.5%,蔓荊為61.9%,貓鼠刺為47.1%,蟛蜞菊則僅66.0-83.8%,馬鞍藤的扦插成活率極高。自行萌發之馬鞍藤經4個月可長到7.24m,而同樣以根株萌發之蔓荊僅4.32m、貓鼠刺僅0.47m,蟛蜞菊則為1.35m,此等地被草類的生長速度明顯不同,而且比栽植區植物的生長更快。自行萌發生長之地被植物到夏季時,樣株生長極快,不過到9月底東北季風初起時,馬鞍藤之生長明顯停頓,部分樣株葉部開始枯萎,而貓鼠刺到9月底時仍可繼續生長,海岸移動砂丘帶植物受飛砂及鹽風影響,最後僅剩少部分定砂植物能以根株存活地表處。為考量定砂植物耐鹽、耐砂埋、萌櫱等生長特性,以貓鼠刺、蔓荊及馬鞍藤在人工砂丘頂一帶混植,再配合堆砂籬及插草靜砂等工程,其抑制移動性飛砂之效果最佳。


The main wind direction on Taoyuan Shitsugan coast is NE in winter and SW in summer. Annual precipitation is 1236.4 mm. The most suitable planting time in this area is in March to match the coming raining season when the winter monsoon ceased. The artificial sand dune is about 8 m high, the slope of the sand-dune at the seashore is steep, and the top terrain of the sand-dune is highly uneven. The soil is with two major particle sizes, 0.11-0.3 mm and 0.31-0.6 mm, in this man-made coastal sand dune. The locations at the back-wind slope of sand dune are with higher proportion of large particles (0.31-0.6 mm). Relatively fine particles are dominant at the line of spring tide and location of face-wind slope, top of dune, shrub zone, and coastal forest. The proportion of fine particles (0.11-0.3 mm) is higher with the increase of distance away from the seashore. Being protected by artificial sand-shelter or ground-covered vegetation, part of the sand dunes are with little problem of erosion and sand deposition. The base of sand dune toward the sea is occasionally attacked by the high tide and results in an unstable slope in dry season. The survival rate of ground vegetation after 4 months was 72.2-90.5% for Ipomoea pes-caprae, 6l.9% for Vitex rotundifolia, 47.l% for Spinifex littoreus and 66.0-83.8% for Wedelia chinensis, in the experimental plots. Sprouts of Ipomoea pes-caprae were with the highest survival rate. Natural reproduced sprouts grow up to 7.24, 4.32, 0.47 and 1.35 m for Ipomoea pes-caprae, Vitex rotundifolia, Spinifex littoreus and Wedelia chinensis, respectively in four months. Those sprouts of ground vegetations grow very fast in summer. At the end of September, northeastern monsoon season starts and the growth of Ipomoea pes-caprae is retarded and partially withered, while Spinifex littoreus grows steadily up to the end of September. To stabilize the shifting of sand, we suggest a mixed culture of Ipomoea pes-caprae, Spinifex littoreus, and Vitex rotundifolia in the bared sand area, under the protection of sand fence and grass shelterbelts.


