  • 期刊


Promotion of Taiwan's Wood Industry: A Case Analysis of the Che Cheng Woodworking Village of the Forest Products Cultural Education and Recreation Center


本研究設置林產文化休閒教學推廣中心在車埕木之村,作為振興台灣木材產業的模式,希望建議傳統木材產業轉型作為體驗教學的自組式(Do-It-Yourself; DIY)木工休閒產業。從車埕地方發展的文史資料、受訪者問卷調查與SWOT分析結果發現,其中文史資料幫助本研究進行現況的探討,並說明車埕木之村經過DIY木工休閒教學推廣之後,在木工教室除了遊客數量(2003年增加83%)與木工教學的營業額(2003年增加63%)有成長趨勢之外,其他商業性的店家亦從4家增加到14家(成長3.5倍)。而313份受訪者問卷調查採用李克特量表(Likert scale)五點量表之結果,經過敘述性統計之後,發現整體受訪者認同推廣合理利用木材的教育價值觀(平均值4.1~4.5),參加意願之平均值介於4.1~4.2之間,使用木製品的觀念之平均值3.8~4.3之間。最後利用SWOT分析林產文化休閒教學推廣中心在車埕木之村的情勢狀況,提供規劃者在行銷策略及發展之建議,目的希望協助社區重新注入新生命力,讓合理利用木材之觀念導入整體地方休閒事業體,促進地方經濟繁榮。相信以DIY木工做為休閒教學的主題,應該可以帶給社區居民更多林產文化的相關商機,也確實傳達合理利用木材的觀念,成為以木材產業帶動週邊休閒產業蓬勃發展之範例。


林產文化 教學 休閒 推廣


This study evaluated the woodworking village ”Forest Products Cultural Education and Recreation Center (FPCER Center)” as a model for stimulating the development of the wood products industry in Taiwan. This approach re-positioned the traditional woodworking industry as an experimental, educational, and independently organized recreational industry. Data were collected using a self-elicited questionnaire with participants at the FPCER Center in Che-Cheng. Three hundred and thirteen validate questionnaires were used for this study. SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was conducted to evaluate the opportunities for the center. Using educational programs to promote Do-It-Yourself (DIY) woodworking not only resulted in the number of visitors to increase by 83%, the business volume by 63%, and the number of businesses from 4 to 14 in Che-Cheng in 2003. The analysis showed that respondents 1) agreed with the statements: ”DIY woodworking as educational programs”, 2) volition ”to experience”; and 3) conception of ”wooden product use”. This research indicated that the DIY programs have created new life into the community surrounding the industry and formed an integrated, permanently-growing part of the local economy.
