  • 期刊


Studies on the Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, Peroxidase Activitiy and Total Phenolic Compounds of Smooth Loofah (Luffa cylindrical Roem.) Fruit


本研究之主要目的在探討「高雄2號」('Kaohsiung 2')、「美人」('Merit')及「台農1號」('Tainung No.1')三種栽培種圓筒絲瓜'Luffa cylindrical Roem.)果實生長發育期間之果實多酚氧化酵素活性、過氧化酵素活性及總酚類化合物含量變化及其與果實褐化之關係。 實驗結果顯示,「高雄2號」、「美人」及「台農1號」絲瓜果實之多酚氧化酵素活性在授粉後5~11天呈增加之趨勢,「高雄2號」果皮過氧化酵素活性以授粉後3天為最高,「美人」及「台農1號」果皮過氧化酵素活性皆以授粉後11天為最高,果肉過氧化酵素活性則隨著果實發育天數之增加而減少。三品種絲瓜在果實生長發育期間,皆以授粉後5天之果實有較高的總酚類化合物含量,絲瓜果肉總酚類化合物含量在授粉後7~11天隨果實發育天數增加而上升,其中「台農1號」果肉總酚類化合物含量在生長發育期間均高於「高雄2號」、「美人」。絲瓜果實切塊處理後之果肉色澤變化方面,「台農1號」絲瓜果肉之亮度及白色度明顯下降且有褐化之現象,而「高雄2號」及「美人」絲瓜則無褐化現象。在切塊處理後,「台農1號」果肉之多酚氧化酵素活性、過氧化酵素活性及總酚類化合物含量為最高,其次為「美人」,最低為「高雄2號」。故絲瓜之多酚氧化酵素、過氧化酵素活性及總酚含量因品種不同而有差異,而酵素性褐化反應之產生與多酚氧化酵素、過氧化酵素活性及總酚含量有密切關係。


A Series of studies were conducted to elucidate the changes of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activities and total phenolic compounds during fruit growth and development of three cultivars of smooth loofah (Luffa cylindrical Roem.) fruits (cvs. 'Kaohsiung 2', 'Merit' and 'Tainung No.1'). Moreover, the correlation between enzymatic browning, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activities and total phenolic compounds in three cultivars of smooth loofah fruit were investigated. It is possible to determine the optimum stage for harvest from the data. The fruit polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity of 'Kaohsiung 2', 'Merit' and 'Tainung No.1' increased 5-11 days after anthesis. The peel polyphenol oxidase activity of 'Kaohsiung 2' fruit peaked on the 3rd day after anthesis and the peel polyphenol oxidase activity of the 'Merit' and 'Tainung No.1' fruits peaked on the 11th day after anthesis. The pulp peroxidase (POD) activity of 'Kaohsiung 2', 'Merit' and 'Tainung No.1' decreased with the fruits growth and development. The content of total phenolic compounds of the three smooth loofah cultivars peaked on the 5th day after anthesis and the total phenolic compounds in pulp increased on the 7-11th days after anthesis. Additionally, the total phenolic compounds were higher in 'Tainung No.1' fruit pulp compared to 'Kaohsiung 2' and 'Merit' throughout the growth and development of the fruits. The pulp lightness and white index of 'Tainung No.1' were significantly decreased and 'Tainung No.1' fruit pulp browning occured except for 'Kaohsiung 2' and 'Merit' after cutting at ambient temperature. The pulp PPO activity, POD activity and total phenolic compounds were highest for 'Tainung No.1' and lowest for 'Kaohsiung 2'.
