  • 期刊


Effects of Colloid of Plasma Protein and Isolated Soy Protein on Meat Quality in Emulsified Goose Chips


In this study, the colloid of porcine plasma protein and isolated soy protein were added to aged goose meat at 15% and 25% based on weight for producing emulsified goose chips. Chemical composition, physical properties, microbiological status and sensory evaluation of the emulsified goose chips samples were determined. Results showed that the emulsified goose chips with added colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein had higher crude protein, water activity and fracturability than the control (p<0.05). Also control had higher crude fat, moisture content, TBA value and a-value than the emulsified goose chips added with colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein. Regarding sensory evaluation, emulsified goose chips treated with 25% colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein had higher hardness score than those of other treatments. No significant differences were observed in mold counts among all treatments during storage at room temperature for 120 days.


In this study, the colloid of porcine plasma protein and isolated soy protein were added to aged goose meat at 15% and 25% based on weight for producing emulsified goose chips. Chemical composition, physical properties, microbiological status and sensory evaluation of the emulsified goose chips samples were determined. Results showed that the emulsified goose chips with added colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein had higher crude protein, water activity and fracturability than the control (p<0.05). Also control had higher crude fat, moisture content, TBA value and a-value than the emulsified goose chips added with colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein. Regarding sensory evaluation, emulsified goose chips treated with 25% colloid of plasma protein and isolated soy protein had higher hardness score than those of other treatments. No significant differences were observed in mold counts among all treatments during storage at room temperature for 120 days.
