  • 期刊


Preparation of a 0.06 Tapered Canal Using Conventional Endodontic Instruments


根管清創修形是決定根管治療成功與否的關鍵步驟。可是數十年來臨床根管治療過程中使用傳統0.02錐度的不銹鋼根管銼針去完成根管修形,卻是非常複雜而耗時的過程。而且在根管修形過程中也可能發生偏離根管原有路徑(pathway)導致偏移 (transportation),形成平台(ledge formation),或穿孔(perforation)的併發症,也間接影響緻密無滲漏的根管封填結果。近年來,鎳鈦旋轉根管器械(Ni-Ti rotary instrument)在臨床的廣泛使用,不但改變根管修形的方式,也漸漸修正根管治療修形觀念。其中以連續性0.06錐度冠部向下修形技術(0.06 continuously tapered crown-down technique )對根管治療的操作步驟有舉足輕重的影響。本文目的在提供另外一種合併使用傳統0.02錐度根管銼針與慢速旋轉器械,而完成連續性0.06錐度的根管修形方法。提供牙醫師在臨床根管治療時的使用選擇。


The aim of root canal instrumentation is to create a tapered shape with adequate volume to allow effective canal obturation. This is a key factor determining endodontic treatment success. The root canal instrumentation using 0.02 tapered traditional hand instruments usually is complicated and time-consuming. The instruments may failed to follow the original pathway in severely curved canals, resulting in canal aberrations such as transportation, ledges, and perforations. In order to eliminate some of the shortcomings of these traditional endodontic instruments, rotary nickel-titanium instruments have been widely used recently. The concepts of 0.06 continuously tapered crown-down technique used in rotary nickel titanium instruments have greatly change root canal treatment. The purpose of this article is to describe a method to help finishing a 0.06 tapered canal preparation using conventional endodontic instruments.
