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Evaluating the Recreation Benefits of Rock Fishing in Taiwan


本文利用民國95年9月至96年3月間對台灣外岸磯釣客之問卷調查資料,應用條件評估法(contingent valuation method, CVM)衡量磯釣客對於外岸磯釣購買釣魚證的意願及願付價格,並找出影響磯釣客購買釣魚證的顯著因子,藉以得知磯釣釣客之行爲特性、需求及外岸磯釣的遊憩效益。 問卷的結果顯示:台灣從事外岸磯釣以男性爲主,平均36歲,以高中和大學(專)爲主,平均個人月所得爲3-5萬元,外岸磯釣的經驗平均爲6-12年。釣客磯釣的目的主要爲釣魚樂趣,半數以上的磯釣客未加入相關釣魚環保團體。在旅遊成本部分,在釣場的停留時間平均爲8小時以上,平均全年釣魚次數爲47次,外岸磯釣的次數爲20次。平均一次外岸磯釣花費爲3,776元,包括磯釣補充釣具及釣餌、冰塊、食物、飲料支出、住宿費、搭船費、交通費等支出。八成八以上的釣客願意購買釣魚證,且約8成的釣客不會因此而減少外岸磯釣的次數。若釣魚證分爲單次和無限次∕年兩種,則願意購買無限次/年的釣客佔6成6。雙界二分選擇模型(double boundeddichotomous choice model)的估計結果顯示,區域變數、磯釣次數、教育程度、經驗、磯釣支出、停留時間、對環境滿意程度皆爲影響支付意願的顯著因子。平均而言,外岸磯釣釣魚證願付價格爲每次每人311.19元。


This study applied the contingent valuation method (CVM) to estimate the leisure benefit of rock fishing in Taiwan. A double-bounded dichotomous choice model was used to estimate the response functions. The empirical result shows that most respondents are male, 36 years old on average, at high school or university education level, their monthly income is about $30,000-$50,000, and with 6-12 years experience of rock fishing. Most respondents go rock fishing just for pleasure, and more than 50% of respondents have not join fishing group. The average catch bag of rock fishing is about 16.9 catty. The on time of rock fishing is more than 8 hours. Respondents also show that they go rock fishing 20 times per year on average. Average travel cost of respondents is $3,776. Among 340 respondents, 88% of them are willing to pay if the price of the fishing permit is reasonable. If the fishing license is further categorized into one trip and unlimited, more than 66% of the subjects would buy unlimited license, in addition, the reasonable price for the fishing license is at $1,244 per year. The results of CVM shows that rock fishing has a one trip recreational use value of $311.19 and significant variables are area, frequency of rock fishing, education, experience, travel cost variable.


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