  • 期刊

The Effects of Goal Orientation, Competency Criteria, and Evaluation Source on Academic Risk Taking



本研究旨在探討目標導向(目的在練習或是測量能力高低)、回饋的參照標準(賦予多重標準亦或單一的標準)、及評量方式(自評或是他評)對大學生選擇不同難度作業的影響。本研究採2×2×2因子設計。以131名修習教育心理與測量的美國大學生為對象,系統地分配到八個實驗情境。研究工具為含有不同難度和計分標準的數學測驗、挫折容忍度量表和態度量表(包括作答的喜好程度、學習意願、自我瞭解的需求,與自我表現的需求)。本研究的假設是(1)練習導向要比測量能力導向能夠產生較高的挫折容忍度(亦即選擇較難的試題)與正向的態度反應。(2)多重參照準比單一標準能引發較高的挫折容忍度與正向的態度反應,而此現象在練習導向的情境下愈明顯。(3)回饋的參照標準與評量方式會有交互作用,亦即在多重參照標準之下,自評比他評能產生較高的挫折容忍度和正面的態度反應,而在單一標準之下,此效果不明顯。 本研究結果發現:(1)回饋的參照標準和評量方式對態度反應發生作用。多重標準比單一標準更能引發自我瞭解的需求;自評比他評更能引起較高的自我瞭解需求,而他評則導致較高的自我表現需求。(2)目標導向與回饋的參照標準之間的交互作用,以及評量方式與回饋的參照標準對難度選擇的交互作用未獲支持。 文末對實驗處理未獲支持的可能原因加以討論,並闡釋本趼究的發現在教育上的涵意。


The present study consisted of a 2×2×2 design used to test the hypotheses that academic risk taking assessed with a mathematics measure would be differentially affected by goal orientation (practice goal vs test goal), competency criterion (mulit-level criterion vs minimum criterion), and evaluation source (self evaluationvs other evaluation). One hundred thirty-one college students who enrolled in an educational psychology and measurement course were systematically assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions. The Mathematics Risk Taking (MRT) measure eyielded two dependent variables: difficulty and accuracy. High difficulty and low accuracy were viewed as evidence of high risk taking. Results indicated that multi-level criterion elicited higher self assessment motive than did a minimum criterion; and self evaluation induced higher self-assessment motive than did other evaluation, whereas other evaluation promoted higher self-enhancement motive than did self evaluation. Data failed to support the proposed interaction effects between goal orientation and competency criterion on risk taking, and between evaluation source and competency criterion on risk taking. Explanations were offered for these findings and educational implications were discussed.
