  • 期刊


The Moderating Effect of Sense of Humor to Life Stress and Physical-Mental Health for Junior High School Students




The purpose of this study were to investigate : (1) the relationship between sense of humor, life stress, and physical- mental health ,and (2) the stress-moderating effect of sense of humor to perceived life stress and physical- mental health for junior high school students. The research sample consisted of 1039 junior high school students from 12 junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. Instruments used in this study included ”Humor Appreciation Questionnaire”, “Humor Initiation Scale”, ”Situational Humor Production Test”, ”Coping Humor Scale”, ”peer assessment measure of humorous coping”, “the Adolescents' Life Events Scale”, and “General Health Scale”. Data obtained were analyzed by connonical correlation analysis. Primary findings were as follows (1) The linear combination scores of actual life stress and sense of humor were significantly correlated with the linear combination scores of perceived life stress. (2) Situational humor production and peer assessment of humorous coping showed possible moderating effect on the relationship between actual domestic events stress, actual school events stress, actual psycho-physical developmental events stress and perceived school events stress. (3) The linear combination scores of perceived life stress and sense of humor were significantly correlated with the linear combination scores of physical-mental health. (4) Situational humor production and self assessment of humorous coping showed possible moderating effect on the relationship between perceived friendship with the opposite sex events stress, perceived domestic events stress, and anxiety, insomnia and social dysfunction.


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何超群(2016)。顧客不文明行為對工作倦怠之影響 以幽默感為干擾效果〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.01071
