  • 期刊

Hemoperitoneum from a Spontaneously Ruptured Rectal Stromal Tumor: Report of a Case



在胃腸道基質瘤的種種臨床表現中,腫瘤自發性破裂導致腹內出血的情形非常罕見。我們在此報告一個因直腸基質瘤自發性破裂,出現腹內出血的病例。 一位五十三歲男性患者,因廣泛性腹痛到院急診,腹部電腦斷層顯示在其下腹及骨盆腔內有一巨大的腫瘤以及中量的腹水,腹水抽吸顯示為血樣的液體。據此,該病患在術前診斷為腹部腫瘤破裂合併腹內出血。術中發現此一腫瘤已經破裂,腹腔內散佈著壞死的腫瘤組織及血水。我們完整地切除該腫瘤及其相連的部份直腸,免疫組織化學分析顯示腫瘤對C-kit及CD34呈現陽性反應。術後,除了一次泌尿道感染外,病患恢復情況良好。




Among the diverse clinical presentations of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), spontaneous rupture with hemoperitoneum is extremely rare. We report herein a case of a 53-year-old man with a spontaneously ruptured rectal stromal tumor presenting with hemoperitoneum. The patient was brought to our emergency department with generalized abdominal pain. Abdominal computed tomography scan revealed a giant mass arising from the pelvic cavity and a moderate amount of intra-abdominal fluid collection. Paracentesis yielded bloody fluid. The diagnosis of hemoperitoneum due to a ruptured intra-abdominal tumor was made. At laparotomy, a ruptured pelvic mass with dissemination of its necrotic tissue and bloody fluid in the peritoneal cavity was found. The tumor was excised together with the involved rectum. Immunohistochemical examination revealed positive reactivity to c-kit protein and CD34. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course except for an episode of urinary tract infection.
