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Dietary Patterns of Habitual Vegetarians-Findings from the 2009 National Health Interview Survey


究顯示西方茹素者的飲食型態往往比葷食者為健康,但針對台灣素食者飲食型態的研究仍付之闕如,因此,本研究透過2009年「國民健康訪問暨藥物濫用調查」的資料檔進行次級資料分析,探討長期素食者的飲食型態和不良飲食習慣的顯著獨立因子。長期素食者加權人數為587人,平均年齡為45.6歲,男性佔35.6%。多因子羅吉斯迴歸分析結果顯示抽菸、曾經喝過酒、現住地都市化程度、年齡、自覺健康狀況、過去兩週運動和教育程度等因子,與8項飲食型態的依變項各有不同的顯著關聯。至於長期素食者不良飲食習慣之多因子羅吉斯迴歸分析結果,則顯示已婚者(調整勝算比= 0.53,95%信賴區間= 0.32-0.88,p=0.015)和過去兩週有運動者(調整勝算比= 0.52,95%信賴區間=0.31-0.86,p=0.010),比較不會有不良飲食習慣,但有抽菸習慣者則較會有不良飲食習慣(調整勝算比= 7.98,95%信賴區間=3.65-17.44,P < 0.001)。擁有不良飲食習慣的素食者達1 4 %,因此,素食者亦須注意個人飲食習慣,以免造成營養不良並導致慢性疾病發生。


素食 飲食習慣 生活型態


Previous research indicated that western vegetarians tend to have healthy dietary patterns. However, data regarding the dietary patterns of Taiwanese vegetarians is still scarce. Therefore, we conducted a secondary data analysis of the 2009 National Health Interview Survey to investigate significant and independent factors associated with dietary patterns and poor dietary habits among habitual vegetarians. The mean age of the 587 (weighted data) habitual vegetarians was 45.6 years, and 35.6% were males. Results from the multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that smoking, alcohol use, the urbanization level of the current residence, age, perceived health status, exercise during the previous 2 weeks, and educational level were significant factors variously associated with eight outcome variables of dietary patterns. In addition, results from the multivariate logistic regression analysis of poor dietary habits indicated that those who were married (adjusted odds ratio= 0.53, 95% confidence interval [ClI=0.32~0.88, p=0.015) and had exercised during the previous 2 weeks (adjusted odds ratio=0.52, 95% CI=0.31~0.86, p=0.010) were inversely associated with poor dietary habits, whereas smoking was associated with poor dietary habits (adjusted odds ratio=7.98, 95% CI=3.65~17.44, p<0.001), Since 14% of the respondents exhibited poor dietary habits, vegetarians should be vigilant about their dietary habits so as to reduce the chance of malnutrition and the development of chronic diseases.


vegetarian dietary habit lifestyle
