  • 期刊


Establishment of the Standard Baseline Field and Diversified Application


近年來以電子產品為主體的測量儀器開發與改良的速度極快,對於電子測量儀器的檢定作業,需要有高精度的基線長和能定期檢測及維護管理的標準基線場的設置來做為比對。名家公司在建立CNLA許可過程,設置了一條95 m長的短距離國家標準基線場作為檢校EDM之用。基於共享此一標準基線的技術及設備,而延伸了一些以各類型電子測距儀作測距比較,和由不同的測距方法作精度評比,及探討測量儀器與工具附件間的匹配等實驗。本文在基線場上展開九項實驗模式,不但開創比較基線場的多元應用,也為測量作業人員在善用手邊測量器材的能力方面提供一部範例。


The development of electronic surveying instruments and their improvement have been extremely fast in recent years. These electronic surveying instruments need high-accuracy baseline lengths and should be measured regularly to maintain standard baselines for comparison. The Ming-Jia company is setting up CNLA and has established a baseline field a 95m length short distance national standard to investigate the use of EDM. This is based on sharing standard baseline technology and equipment and has extended to apply to all kinds of EDM, including the precision to comparison and assessment of different methods of distance surveying and experiments, such as matching appropriate measuring instruments and tool accessories for studies, among other things. The nine baseline field experiments in this paper not only develop diversified applications that compare baseline fields, but also offer an example for the surveying personnel on how to maximize the use of measuring instruments in hand.
