  • 期刊


Tourists' Travel Experience of Visiting a Leisure Farm


由於台灣工商業的經濟成就,使得農業在台灣的國家經濟地位相對降低。退輔會亦感受到社會型態的轉變而導致其傳統農業經營困難,亦將其傳統的生產農場轉型為休閒農場,期望由原來生產糧食的初級單位,朝向三級產業發展,並經營休閒農業。本研究在於瞭解退輔會所屬武陵農場從傳統農場轉變為休閒農場之後,遊客的遊憩體驗及其影響因素為何。本研究共發放問卷500份,最後有效問卷為411份。研究發現大部分遊客皆滿意武陵農場其遊憩屬性。在遊憩體驗整體滿意度迴歸模式中,影響遊客對「武陵農場整體滿意度」之變數,以「遊憩設施與活動」影響最大,其次為「交通與遊憩規劃」、「自然資源環境」、及「餐飲與住宿服務」,而且皆為正向。最後本研究利用IPA(important performance analysis)的易讀及解說便利性來探討武陵農場的觀光特性,也找出了武陵農場的優劣勢,故本研究結果亦可作為日後休閒農場行銷與管理的參考。


Because of the economic achievement of urban industry and business in Taiwan, agriculture is often treated as unimportant to Taiwan's future. To change this situation the Ministry of Veterans, which is partially responsible for agriculture, is working to transform ”agriculture” into multi-purpose industry. One thrust is having farms serve both as food product production units and as leisure farms. The goal of the research was to develop an understanding of how leisure farm visitor relate to the leisure farm ”product”. IPA (important performance analysis) was used to allow a general picture of the position of Wu-Ling Leisure Farm, owned by the Ministry of Veterans, to be developed on a number of factors. IPA was chosen because graphical results are produced that are easily interpreted to nontechnical audiences and that have proven value in decision making both for marketing and operations management. In this study 500 questionnaires were distributed to visiting parties to Wu-Ling. A response rate of about 80% was achieved (411 usable forms were obtained). The results show that Wu-Ling Leisure Farm overall satisfies most visitors. It also shows how tourists relate to with recreational facilities, programming, catering, hospitality service, natural resources environment, transportation and recreation planning. Because the results imply where action is and is not needed on these factors, e.g. which factors are important but not perceived as well performed on, they contribute directly to the leisure farm's marketing and management planning. Given the somewhat generic nature of leisure farms in Taiwan, this research offers insights of general use to the ministry and farm managers.


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