  • 期刊


Types of Possible Cross-Straits Cooperation: An Approach of Global Governance Power Typology


對於權力的論述,傳統的國際關係理論皆強調一種垂直性的權力,然而,這種階層性垂直權力的特徵卻往往忽略了權力的水平特徵。從全球治理的視角,權力不再僅有單一的垂直特徵,還包含多層次、多結構的水平特徵,並在此種交織與貫穿的思維下孕育出全球治理的權力類型。因此,在兩岸治理的權力互動研究,亦須將垂直性與水平性的權力特徵同時納入考量。本文提出二個研究問題:一、如何看待兩岸之間的衝突與合作並存的現象? 二、在何種條件之下,兩岸能走向合作治理或走向衝突?本研究發現,透過賽局理論的檢證,兩岸之間除了強制性權力下合作類型為兩岸治理的困境外,其餘的類型均可使兩岸合作治理成為可能。


For traditional international theorists, power is treated as a vertical concept; however, such vertical power concept may neglect the horizontal power character. From the global governance perspective, power is characterized with multi-level, multi-dimension, and multi-structure. By taking vertical and horizontal power characters into account, power typology has been developed in the field of global governance. In the study of Cross- Straits governance, it is necessary to treat the concept of power from both vertical and horizontal characters simultaneously. This paper intends to answer the following questions:(1)How to explain the reality that there exist both conflict and cooperation characteristics during the interaction between Taiwan and China?(2)Under what conditions, can both sides move toward cooperative governance, or toward conflict? By using the framework of game theory, this paper argues that except for compulsive power (type one model), which may induce governance dilemma, other models show moves toward cooperative governance.


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