  • 期刊


Mobilizing with the External Forces: An External Mechanism of Mobilization within the Anti-Welfare Package Movement in Macau




The civil society of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao has been vibrant in recent years. Many researchers aim to identify this phenomenon via comparative and conceptual approaches, especially concentrating on the unexpected social movements that occurred during 2014 in these three respective places. However, few studies attempt to examine the interactive processes of such movements. To fill the gap, this article draws on the Anti-Welfare Package Movement in Macao in 2014 as a case study to demonstrate how movement organizers flexibly and successfully framed the mobilizing discourses by using various articles from Hong Kong media and The Sunflower Movement in Taiwan; thereby, enhancing the mobilization within an unfavorable political structure and media environment. This initiative process seems to become a mechanism for playing a role in subsequent protests.


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蘇嘉豪編(2015)。撤!還記得嗎?。香港=Hong Kong:嘉濤宮=Kato Kung Publisher。
太陽報,2014,〈澳門修例益高官,被轟自肥好醜陋〉,5 月13 日。The-Sun. 2014.“Macao xiuli yi gaoguan beihong zifei haochoulou” [Macau Amendments Benefits Officials, Which be Blamed Dirty]. May 13.
太陽報,2014a,〈議員促撤離任高官保障法〉,4 月29 日。The-Sun. 2014. “Yiyuan cuche liren gaoguan baozhan fa” [Congressman Asked for Withdraw the Privilege Law]. April 29.
