  • 期刊


Quo Vadis¡G Religious Freedom and Human Right in the Triangular Relations of Sino-Taiwan-Vatican




When Deng Xiaoping began launching the Open Door Policy, the Vatican in 1987 began wooing the People's Republic of China (P.R.C) in order to reestablish the Sino-Vatican relations. This posed a great challenge to the Republic of China (R.O.C.) in Taiwan, which had already established the Taiwan-Vatican relations. As a result, Beijing from the beginning insisted that the prerequisite of normalized relations between China and the Vatican is to sever the Taiwan-Vatican diplomatic relationship. Thus, in September 2018, the Sino-Vatican Provisional Agreement was signed to resolve the core problem between China and the Vatican, which was the appointment of Chinese bishops. This sudden signing of the agreement led to an increased pressure on Taiwan, as it meant there was the possibility that their relations with the Vatican relations will be severed. On the other hand, 2019 saw the Sino-U.S. rivalry in trade, technology, finance, and military, etc. Of these issues, both China and the U.S. would like to discuss the question of human rights. Furthermore, the addition of unpredictable factors in Sino-Vatican relations, such as the problem of free religion that caused the U.S. in trying to draw closer to the Vatican and the rise in support of Christians, including Catholics in Hong Kong's pro-democratic movements in 2019, gave Beijing extra headache. Hence, this article tries to discuss the future possible developments of the Sino-Vatican-Taiwan relations with so many variables coming into play in the global international political landscape.


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