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The Progress and Influence of China's Belt and Road Initiative, 2013~2021




This study analyzes the progress and influence of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from its starting year 2013 till the end of 2021. The main findings include: First, most of the total BRI investments goes to the energy sector, and the transportation infrastructures that are most emphasized by the Chinese goverment are actually the second largest part. Second, BRI projects go well in the participating countries in general with few sporadic controversies. Third, empirical evidence shows that BRI does not significantly improve participating countries' economic development, make their foreign policy ideal points farther away from the United States, deteriorate their degree of democracy in terms of competition and participation, or worsen their degree of corruption. Fourth, however, BRI does significantly increase the life quality in the participating countries, making their foreign policy ideal points farther away from China, and lower their degree of democracy in terms of political rights and civil liberty. Lastly, the most important leverage that China exploits from BRI is to make certain countries fall into the debt trap and thus more likely to behave in accordance with China's national interests. Overall, to find out the influence of BRI on the participating countries and the world order, we should begin with investigating the policy change in countries that owe China considerable debts.


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