  • 期刊

Can Attitude Affect Waste-reduction Behavior?-A Study of Bag-Taking Behavior





態度 環境行為 塑膠袋


This study was conducted when the Republic of China government had announced that it would soon prohibit stores and venders from providing free plastic bags to customers. The study examined the effect of attitude toward such a policy on people's bag-taking behavior. Three hundred and thirty-six Taiwan citizens were randomly assigned to answer either a positively leading (PL) or negatively leading (NL) questionnaire. After a respondent had answered the questionnaire, the interviewer would give the respondent four pieces of gifts and ask if a bag was needed. Results showed that the PL group generated more favorable thoughts and attitude regarding the no-bag policy than the NL group did. However, though respondents' attitude could predict whether they would take a bag from the interviewer, the proportions of bag taking in the two groups were not significantly different. Reasons for these results and how attitudinal effects on bag-taking behavior could be rigorously tested were discussed.


attitude environmental behavior plastic bag


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