  • 期刊


The Influence of Catholicism on the Natural Moral Law


本文主要藉由說明宗教因素對自然律在歷史上的影響成果,進而論述現代的道德及法律規範體系仍應看重宗教所提供的信念在規範系統中的無形作用。今日法律得到高度的成就,這是眾多因素長期發展與累積的成果,輕易將人的理性視為唯一或絕對的規範判準來源可能是危險的信號。 真正的人文精神應該是向天、地、人、我抱持開放的態度。現代人希望擺脫宗教的影響,反而容易落入太過狹隘的人文精神以致帶來傷害。基督宗教以位格性的造物主做為自然律的終極根源,在法律哲學上的影響是重要的,忽視這個因素將會導致法律尊嚴的喪失。


This article first explores the fruitful influence of religious factors on natural law and the historical development of law and morality. Then we try to discuss that in our modem world in the area of morality and legal norm we should put more emphasis on the invisible impact of religion on the social norm. Today, due to the long development of many factors, law has attained a very high position in our society. However, in the matter of morality and law, it is very dangerous to take human rationality to be the only norm or to be the absolute standard in making judgments. As a matter of fact, the genuine spirit of humanity should be opened to heaven, earth, others and oneself. However, some modem people wish to get rid of the influence of religion. By so doing paradoxically it is easy to lead them to fall into the trap of narrowness of humanity and the subsequent damage. Christianity advocates the Creator of a personality who is the Ultimate Authority behind natural law. This religious influence is important for jurisprudence. If religious influence is being ignored, it would lead to the erosion of the dignity of law.
