  • 期刊


Xu Shuzheng and the Meeting of Military Governors at Tienjin


復辟亂事平定之後,段祺瑞復任國務總理,決心推行武力統一政策,卻與總統馮國璋為了和戰問題而相互對立,使得復辟之後的北京政局更加複雜。為了進行武力統一政策,段祺瑞派傅良佐督湘,吳光新入川,準備征討西南,卻因湖南戰場的潰敗,先後辭去陸軍總長和國務總理職務,由王士珍繼任。 徐樹錚為段的親信幕僚,在段被迫下臺後,為了反擊包括總統馮國璋在內的主和派,開始掀起一波波的政治風潮,而一手主導的天津督軍會議即為其中之一,對馮國璋、王士珍和主和的長江三督形成一股強大的威脅。 天津督軍會議是繼徐州會議之後,另一次的督軍團會議,由曹錕擔任盟主,有十二省區代表參加,他們彼此結合,或在會議中發表會議的決議,或聯銜通電,表達政治主張及對南作戰呼聲,暫時扭轉了段祺瑞去職後主戰派的劣勢,然而也開啟了直、皖兩派之間劇烈的政治鬥爭。


After the restoration of the dethroned monarch-Puyi, Duan Qirui became the premier of the Beijing government again and decided to carry out the policy of the unification by force. His decision was in sharp contrast with the idea of the president-Feng Guo-zhang, who initiated a peaceful policy. Hence, the political situation was even more chaotic than before. In order to carry out his policy of military unification, Duan assigned Pu Liang-tso as the military governor of Hunan, and Wu Guang-xin to preside over Szechwan. Later, as the battle at Hunan was in a complete failure, Duan can not but to give the positions of Chief of Army and Premier to Wang Shizhen. Xu Shuzheng was a subordinate and closely right-hand man of Duan Qirui. After Duan was forced to leave, he started a series of political movements against Feng Guo-zhang. and the Tienjin Meeting of Military Commanders was one of his maneuvers. He became a great threat to Feng Guo-zhang, Wang Shizhen, and those who favored the peaceful measure. The Tienjin Meeting of Military Commanders was a second meeting after the first one held at Hsuchow. It invited representatives of military commanders of 12 provinces and was presided over by Chao Kun. The meeting finally arrived at a decision to wage wars in the South, and successfully turned the table around, paving the way for a more drastic political strife between the Zhili and the Anhui cliques.


