  • 期刊


Chiang Ching-kuo's Educational Innovation in Southern Jiangxi and Its Effects (1941-1943)




Chiang Ching-kuo was dedicated to making education available to all people and to sweeping away the illiteracy in Southern Jiangxi in due time. First of all, he made it clear that there should be specific educational goals and so he proposed 20 substantial plans for the innovation, including the establishment of a middle school in every county and the completion of the policy of ”schools centering around each village or town”/”locating schools in each village or town” so that every person could have a chance to go to school. He also had all the procedures ready for carrying out the plans so that the administrative units within the province had a blueprint to follow and to coordinate and integrate in the best possible manner. He also demanded that all the work had to keep the proper pace and with efficiency. Some of the measures include compulsory education for the children reaching schooling age and the standardization of the curriculum and teaching hours at all levels. He also paid much attention to the enrichment of the teaching materials and the improvement of the teaching methods. He suggested heuristic methods to cultivate the student's independent thinking. Another important innovation Chiang initiated was to encourage the general public to contribute to schooling so as to lessen the budget for education in Southern Jiangxi. Chiang was also much concerned about social education and the installation of public libraries, museums, science museums, and stadiums. He believed that with them, the people of Southern Jiangxi could raise their cultural standards and to remove illiteracy for a better society. As a result, his policy toward the education of Southern Jiangxi was being improved substantially, e.g., an obvious increase in the number of schools and of teachers and students, and an increase in educational budget. Meanwhile, Chiang also admitted that there were still a lot to be done about the education in Southern Jiangxi. For example, it was necessary to strengthen the cooperation among the administrative units, to put more stress on the quality rather than on the quantity of education, and to pay more attention to detailed educational plans and to the maintenance of educational policies. And it was also necessary to train needed personnel for future use in advance.


