  • 期刊


The Impact on the Heritage Management Functions from the Assigned Outsourcing Mechanism for Cultural Heritage: With Reference of R.O.T and O.T Cases


本研究主要在探討台灣的古蹟委外經營制度對於古蹟經營管理成效,以及對管理組織朝向永續發展的影響。回顧90年代末,閒置空間再利用成爲台灣文化政策方面的重要施政目標之一。同時,在2000年公布實施「促進民間參與公共建設法」(簡稱促參法)後,也促使台北市文化局率先積極推動古蹟委外經營的風潮。促參法的核心價值之一在於鼓勵民間單位參與公共建設的投資與經營,以減輕公部門在文化資產管理事務上的負擔,其中R.O.T.(Rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer)或O.T.是應用在以古蹟或歷史建築爲主的文化資產最爲普遍的模式。然而,古蹟委外經營單位其組織文化與是否擬訂具前瞻性與完整性的維護計畫均深深地影響文化遺產未來的存在價值,委外經營所反映的經營管理問題則對於未來朝向建立古蹟管理專業制度的影響不容小覷。 因此,本研究擬以台灣R.O.T.與O.T.的古蹟個案爲研究對象,思考台灣古蹟委外制度對於未來遺產管理所帶來的影響與可供改進的方向。


The purpose of this paper is to exam the outcomes of historical monument management and to debate the influences as management organizations seek for sustainable development under monument outsourcing management system in Taiwan. In the later 90's, adaptive re-use space became one of major official goals of Taiwan cultural strategies. After the ”Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects” was put to practice in 2000, Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs took the lead in promoting monument outsourcing. ”Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects” encourages private sectors to invest in public infrastructure in order to ease off the burdens of culture property management of government departments. Among them, R. O. T. (Rehabilitate-Operate-Transfer) is the most common model applied to monuments and historic buildings. Nevertheless, if an outsourcing institution draw up a proactive and complete conservation plan profoundly affects the significance of a culture heritage in the future. Those management issues raised from outsourcing management widely influence the establishment of the mechanism on heritage management. Therefore, this article studies three cases and was expected to provide a direction for next generation on heritage management.


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