  • 期刊


Seismic Evaluation of Historic Japanese Wooden Buildings – Examples of School Offices




When conserving or reusing historic buildings in Taiwan, an earthquake zone, it is critical to ensure their seismic capacity. The methods published by the Japanese Building Disaster Prevention Association have often been used in Taiwan to assess a building’s performance during an earthquake, found by dividing the required strength by the constructed strength. In recent years earthquake engineering has emphasized the importance of quantitative data in determining earthquake performance. In this study, performance evaluation and design is used to conduct seismic evaluation of historic Japanese wooden houses. Three school office buildings damaged in the 2010 Jiashian earthquake were selected. First, the lateral resistance capacity of building structures was determined according to experimental data such as for wooden joints and bamboo-plaster walls. Then using the response spectrum method, the response drift angle of structures was obtained, which corresponds directly to a certain damage level based on experimental results. Comparison of the evaluation results and the damage observed following the Jiashan earthquake shows a high degree of correlation. Thus this method provides a practical and reliable technique for the seismic evaluation of historic Japanese wooden buildings. Note that variations in strength of wooden members due to durability has not yet been taken into consideration.
