  • 期刊


Application and Benefit Evaluation of AIoT Image Sensing for Building Safety Monitoring




Thanks to the fast development of Deep Learning and Computer Visualization, the traditional cloud-based decision-making can be carried out with the edge-computing of AIoT Image Sensors (AIoT-IS), and thus improve the timeliness and security of image recognition. This study aims to investigate the potential scenarios and the associated benefits of AIoT-IS applications. Through literature review, expert interviews, and benefit analysis model development, this study summarizes 18 AIoT-IS application scenarios categorizedinto four different phases of building lifecycle and a "Cost/benefit Analysis Model for Intelligent building Technology Adoption, CAMITA)" is proposed for benefit evaluation of AIoT-IS for building safety monitoring. According to the results of two simulated case studies, AIoT-IS achieves significant benefits, with Net Present Value Index (NPVI) of 20.21% and Benefit/Cost Ratio (BCR) of 5.10 in "Case (I)-AIoT image sensing for construction site safety monitoring", and also achievesNPVI of 12.63% and BCR of 2.10 in "Case (II)-AIoT images sensing adoption in the security control of smart community." The interviews with the domain experts also point out potential threats and risks while adopting AIoT image sensing in building safety monitoring. Different interviewees (stakeholders of buildings) have different perspectives on the benefits and risks of such an innovative technology from the angles of their priority issues, expected benefits, application limitations and implementation obstacles. Finally, suggestions are summarized for stakeholders of buildings regarding the safety monitoring the application of AIoT-IS to provide references for different interested parties of building projects.


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