  • 期刊

Extended-Interval Dosing Regimen of a Triptorelin Depot in the Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer

Triptorelin Depot延長使用間隔,在前列腺癌病患的治療成果報告


研究目的:晚期前列腺癌的病患使用性腺激素釋放相似物(LHRH)做內分泌治療,目前大都是使用每四週注射一次的長效型劑型。本研究是探討是否可將四星期注射一次triptorelin depot的時間延長為六星期注射一次,在維持抑制男性荷爾蒙的效性及成本的評估。 材料與方法:從2001年5月至2003年6月,共有十三位晚期前列腺癌的病患先以每四星期注射一次triptorelin depot共四劑後,待血清男性荷爾蒙被抑制至閹割的程度之後,將注射的時間延長為六星期注射一次,再給予六個劑量triptorelin depot在這五十四星期的研究期間,檢查血清PSA testosterone和luternizing hormone(LH)的變化。 結果:注射triptorelin depot一個月之後有76.9%的病患,而3個月後全部病患血清中男性荷爾蒙的濃度下降至閹割的程度,而往後五十四星期的研究期間,雖然延長注射期間為6星期tripotorelin depot在男性荷爾蒙抑制的維持方面,效果很好,而PSA的控制方面,PSA維持在<0.5ng/ml的效果佔76.9%的病患。 結論:從我們初步的研究報告得知,用triptorelin depot在治療前列腺癌的病患在達到血清中男性荷爾蒙閹割程度之後,將注射時間延長為六星期和常規的每四星期注射一次,在維持抑制testosterone及PSA上升的效果方面是沒有差別的。


Objective: Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues are commonly used in the treatment of advanced cancer of the prostate. Depot administration every 4 weeks is a well-established regimen worldwide. An extended 6-week dosing regimen of a triptorelin depot in patients with prostate cancer (PC) to maintain castration was evaluated for its efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Materials and Methods: From May 2001 through June 2003, 13 patients with advanced PC were given 4 doses of a triptorelin depot of 3.75 mg intramuscularly every 4 weeks, followed by 6 more doses of a triptorelin depot at 3.75 mg at 6-week intervals. Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA), testosterone, and luteinizing hormone (LH) were measured before and after the serial injections of the triptorelin depot. Results: Castration testosterone levels were achieved in 76.9% and 100% at 1 and 3 months after treatment, respectively. Castration testosterone levels were maintained for 54 weeks in all patients given the extended-interval schedule of the triptorelin depot. PSA levels of less than 0.5ng/ml were observed in 76.9% (10/13) of patients at the end of this study. Cosclusions: The extended 6-week triptorelin depot injection schedule was as effective as the 4-week schedule for maintenance of serum PSA, LH, and testosterone at castration levels in our patients with advanced PC; extended-interval dosing contributed to a 1/3 reduction in treatment costs, without compromising the therapeutic efficacy among our patients.
