  • 期刊

A Performance Evaluation Model Based on AHP and DEA



本研究參照層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process,AHP)的概念,加以修改並加入模糊集合理論的方法,然後導入資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)之CCR模式,發展出一套改良的績效評估方法,此方法能夠有效地評估各單位之績效值,並且對於績效差的對象可提出較有效率的改善建議。本研究方法是基於DEA之模式,並且加入了AHP的概念,因此本績效評估模式具有DEA利用數字來說話的客觀性,同時評估結果比起原始DEA模式將更切合實際狀況,例如用在供應商的評選上,在少量的評選對象上仍然可以使用,這是原有的DEA方法所無法應用的。為了驗證方法的實用性,本研究以國內某背光模組公司之供應商評鑑為例,依照方法論所提出的步驟,選出高績效之供應商,並且提供低績效供應商較有效率的改善建議。經過了案例分析結果,本研究方法與原始的DEA模式比較,更適用於少數對象的評選問題上。


This research uses the concept of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and fuzzy set theory to modify the CCR model of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method to develop a more effective performance evaluation method which can be used to evaluate the performance of a smaller number of business units, which is usually prohibited in the traditional DEA method. The proposed method maintains all the important features of the original DEA method like the objectivity by using data to analyze an evaluation problem and the ability to suggest the improvement directions for each business unit under evaluation. In order to prove the applicability of the proposed method, a case study for the selection of suppliers for the key component of a LCD manufacturing company is given. The result shows that it can be used to choose among a small number of suppliers in a very efficient way and also can provide improvement suggestions for each supplier.


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