  • 期刊


Institutional Fields of China's United Front Warfare: The Interest Link Between Youth Entrepreneurship Bases and Taiwanese Youth


習近平主政後,中共強化對臺灣的統戰力度。其中,兩岸青年創業(青創)基地政策的提出,就是一個代表。關於兩岸民眾的互動,過去文獻從群際接觸理論(Intergroup contact theory)來討論,認爲透過彼此的交流,能夠增加臺灣民眾對大陸的好感。本文進一步從制度的面向,爲這個論述進行補充。從理論的角度而言群際互動要發揮持久且顯著的效果,須有制度支持。本文所討論之青創基地即可視爲是一個制度場域,使赴陸臺灣青年(臺青)和中國大陸的經濟利益產生依賴與連結。從2016年開始,中共陸續於各省市建立青創基地,給予臺青創業資金與優惠政策補貼,藉以吸引其赴陸創業。換言之,中共希望透過青創基地的制度性運作,進一步強化對臺統戰的效果。政策實施至今,在吸引臺灣青年赴陸方面確實收到一定的效果,但本文也指出,由於中國大陸的中央與地方政府部門之間,欠缺協調整合,因此該政策在實際執行上出現許多問題,後續的效應與可能影響需長期觀察。


The policy of youth entrepreneurship bases is an example of how the Chinese Communist Party has stepped up efforts in its United Front warfare against Taiwan since Xi Jinping came to power. Past literature has largely viewed interaction between people on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait from the perspective of intergroup contact theory, focusing on the question of whether mutual exchange fosters a more favorable view of mainland China among Taiwanese. This study supplements existing research by examining the institutional aspect of this question. The author believes there must be an institutional mechanism that serves to ensure intergroup interaction has a lasting and significant effect. Youth entrepreneurial bases serve as such an institutional field by making Taiwanese youth rely on and establish a link with the interests of mainland China. Since 2016, the Chinese Communist Party has set up cross-Strait youth entrepreneurship bases, furnishing Taiwan youth with start-up capital and preferential treatment to encourage them to establish businesses in mainland China. The CPC hopes to further strengthen the effectiveness of United Front warfare against Taiwan through the institutional operation of youth entrepreneurship bases. This policy has indeed succeeded to a certain degree in enticing young people from Taiwan to mainland China. However, this paper points out that the policy is plagued by various problems due to a lack of coordination between central and local government departments in mainland China.


汪宏倫、張可(2018)。「RIP, 426」:解析「大陸地區旅台學位生」的國族經驗。政治與社會哲學評論。65,1-88。
