  • 期刊


The Brain Wave Characteristics and Electromagnetic Phenomenon of Psychics


「人體潛能」俗稱「特異功能」是人體所出現的一些目前科學還很難解釋的特異能力。具有這些能力的人士有些是天生的,有些是經過氣功修練到高深境界後所出現的。本論文研究之部份目的就是想了解這兩類不同人士的生波特徵有且在相似之處。人體潛能有兩個層次,一個是敏銳感覺的能力(Extra Sensory Perception, ESP)如心電感應、透視力、預知未來、迴知過去的能力。另一種是人體檢射能量的能力,例如以意志來移動物體的念力(Psychokinesis)。 我們採用萊因博士所發展出來的ESP卡片做心電感應的試驗共50次,在參與實驗的近二十位學生中,經統計檢現有兩位學生正確的比率大於31%,與理論或然率的分佈曲線相比,具有統計上的顯著性。我們測量了所有參與實驗學生的腦α波發現,凡是具有顯著心電感應能力的學生,其腦α波在做實驗前及當中之平均尖峰振幅均小於4μv,與練氣功到高深境界後所進入的「入定態」腦波非常類似,我們定義爲「天生入定態」。由此我們可能已經找到了一種簡易的方法,來判斷一個人是否很容易可以開發出心電感應能力。 我們也測量了具有念力的人士,在以念力轉動指南針及使電池操作之鐘錶停止時,頭部周圍磁場之改變量。結果發現具有念力人士在開始使用念力以後,頭部前方及側面會發出低頻磁場,心跳也增加到每分鐘120次以上。目前在臉部旁2公分處所量到的最大磁場爲115高斯,也就是念力組成的成份中有部份是磁力,至於身體爲什麼會產生很強的磁場,目前並不清楚。


腦α波 人體潛能 心電感應 念力


Psychic power is a kind of special abilities possessed by human body which is hard to explain by the present science. In some people, psychic power is innate, while in others it is gained through practicing Qigong to a high level of proficiency. There are two kinds of psychic power. One is the extra sensitive ability to receive information, i.e., the extrasensory perception (ESP) such as telepathy, c1airvoyance, precognition, retrocognition etc.; the other is the ability to emit energy such as psychokinesis. We used ESP cards to perform telepathy experiment 50 times, it was found through statistics that among 20 students participated in the experiment, two achieved a correct rate of over 31 % exceeding twice the standard deviation of the theoretical probability distribution function (p<0.025). The brain α waves of all the students were measured, it was found that the amplitude of the brain α wave of those students with significant telepathy capability were all smaller than 4μV before and during the experiments. This was very similar to what was observed for those high level Qigong masters when they were practicing Zen (禪) and entered into Ru-Ding state (入定態) in which their brainα wave were also suppressed. These students are defined to be in a Tian Sheng (innate) Ru-Ding state (天生入定態). It is believed that we may have discovered a convenient way to tell whether a person could easily develop telepathic ability. We also measured the variation of magnetic field in the environment of a psychic applying psychokinesis to rotate compasses and stop a battery operated watch. It was found that during the experiment a low frequency magnetic field was generated from his head, and his heart beat increased to more than 120 per minute. The maximum field strength was 115 Gauss when measured at a distance of 2 cm from his right face. This indicates that psychokinesis may consist of various components and magnetic force is one of them. However, it is not c1ear at present what microscopic mechanism is responsible for the generation of the strong magnetic field.


Brain α wave Psychics Telepathy Psychokinesis


